a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
(fishing) sinker weight used in fishing to cause the line or net to sink N/a Show shifts
<female animal> N/a Show shifts
<fish> Animals Show shifts
<foot-wear> Artifacts Show shifts
<foreign country> A variable for any country name N/a Show shifts
<foreigner> Human being Show shifts
<fruit> Plants Show shifts
<furniture> Artifacts Show shifts
fable N/a Show shifts
face Body parts Show shifts
faeces Natural objects Show shifts
fairy tale Abstract entities Show shifts
faith N/a Show shifts
falcon Animals Show shifts
fallen woman N/a Show shifts
fallow ground ploughed and harrowed but left unseeded for one year N/a Show shifts
fallow deer mammal (Dama dama) belonging to the family Cervidae N/a Show shifts
false, wrong Non-physical Show shifts
falsified, fake forged, phony N/a Show shifts
fame Abstract entities Show shifts
family Human being Show shifts
family Human being Show shifts
famous well known N/a Show shifts
fan (hand-held) hand-held device consisting of concertinaed material, or slats of material, gathered together at one end, that may be opened out into the shape of a sector of a circle and waved back and forth in order to move air towards oneself and cool oneself Plants Show shifts
fan (sport) someone who is a supporter of a certain sports team or sportsperson N/a Show shifts
fan palm (Pritchardia pacifica) N/a Show shifts
fanatic N/a Show shifts
fang Body parts Show shifts
far away Space Show shifts
farm laborer N/a Show shifts
farmer Human being Show shifts
fascicle (cluster of flowers or berries) N/a Show shifts
fast (n.) Abstract entities Show shifts
fat (adj.) (of food) N/a Show shifts
fat (adj.)(of a person) Other physical Show shifts
fat (n.) subcutaneous layer of fat tissue N/a Show shifts
Fat Tuesday the day before the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday N/a Show shifts
fat, lard N/a Show shifts
father Human being Show shifts
father's brother N/a Show shifts
father-in-law N/a Show shifts
fatless Other physical Show shifts
favourite Evaluation Show shifts
fearful, dreadful Non-physical Show shifts
feast Space Show shifts
feast (at a table) very large meal, often of a ceremonial nature N/a Show shifts
feather Body parts Show shifts
feathering Body parts Show shifts
February N/a Show shifts
fellow traveller Human being Show shifts
female animal N/a Show shifts
female ascetic N/a Show shifts
female breast None N/a Show shifts
female calf Animals Show shifts
female maral N/a Show shifts
female servant, maid Human being Show shifts
fence N/a Show shifts
fenugreek leguminous plant, Trigonella foenum-graecum, eaten as a vegetable and with seeds used as a spice N/a Show shifts
ferment, leaven Natural objects Show shifts
fern any of a group of some twenty thousand species of vascular plants classified in the division Pteridophyta that lack seeds and reproduce by shedding spores to initiate an alternation of generations N/a Show shifts
fertile (soil) Other physical Show shifts
fetlock joint of the horse's leg below the knee or hock and above the hoof N/a Show shifts
fetters N/a Show shifts
fetus human embryo N/a Show shifts
fever Abstract entities Show shifts
few, little not many, small number of N/a Show shifts
fibres prepared for spinning N/a Show shifts
fibula (anat.) Body parts Show shifts
field Natural objects Show shifts
field bindweed plant Convolvulus arvensis N/a Show shifts
field sowthistle plant Sonchus arvensis N/a Show shifts
fieldfare bird Turdus pilaris Other physical Show shifts
fifth ordinal form of the number five N/a Show shifts
fig N/a Show shifts
fighter plane N/a Show shifts
figuratively N/a Show shifts
figure, stature N/a Show shifts
film, movie recorded sequence of images displayed on a screen at a rate sufficiently fast to create the appearance of motion N/a Show shifts
fin Body parts Show shifts
fine (fee as a punishment) N/a Show shifts
fine, powder-like Size Show shifts
finger-ring Artifacts Show shifts
finger/toe Body parts Show shifts
fire Natural objects Show shifts
fire (accident) the occurrence, often accidental, of fire in a certain place, causing damage and danger N/a Show shifts
fire striker a piece of carbon steel from which sparks are struck by the sharp edge of flint, chert or similar rock N/a Show shifts
fire-arms Artifacts Show shifts
firearm personal weapon that uses explosive powder to propel a projectile often made of lead N/a Show shifts
firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus N/a Show shifts
firefly Animals Show shifts
fireplace Artifacts Show shifts
firewood Natural objects Show shifts
fireworks device using gunpowder and other chemicals which, when lit, emits a combination of coloured flames, sparks, whistles or bangs, and sometimes made to rocket high into the sky before exploding, used for entertainment or celebration N/a Show shifts
firm, durable able to resist wear or decay; lasting; enduring. Other physical Show shifts
first Quantity Show shifts
first time N/a Show shifts
firstborn first child to be born to a parent or family N/a Show shifts
fish Animals Show shifts
fishbone bone from a fish N/a Show shifts
fisherman N/a Show shifts
fishing float (bobber) N/a Show shifts
fist N/a Show shifts
five Abstract entities Show shifts
five-finger (Potentilla) Plants Show shifts
flag piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol N/a Show shifts
flagellate A flagellate is a cell or organism with one or more whip-like appendages called flagella. N/a Show shifts
flagellum hairlike appendage that protrudes from certain plant and animal sperm cells, and from a wide range of microorganisms to provide motility. N/a Show shifts
flank (body part) Body parts Show shifts
flank (military) Natural objects Show shifts
flat (adj) Other physical Show shifts
flat cake N/a Show shifts
flatbread N/a Show shifts
flattery excessive praise or approval, which is often insincere and sometimes contrived to win favour N/a Show shifts
flatus N/a Show shifts
flax common flax (Linum usitatissimum); the processed stems of this plant and the fiber obtained from them N/a Show shifts
flea Animals Show shifts
flexible capable of being flexed or bent without breaking; able to be turned or twisted without breaking Other physical Show shifts
flint hard, fine-grained quartz that fractures conchoidally and generates sparks when struck against a material such as steel, because tiny chips of the steel are heated to incandescence and burn in air N/a Show shifts
flood, overflow (of the river) N/a Show shifts
floor (vs. ceiling) Artifacts Show shifts
flower Plants Show shifts
flower cup N/a Show shifts
fluff, down (of feather) N/a Show shifts
flute N/a Show shifts
fly (n.) Animals Show shifts
fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) Plants Show shifts
flying fish tropical marine fish of the family Exocoetidae, having enlarged winglike pectoral fins enabling it to escape predators by taking short gliding flights through the air N/a Show shifts
foal young horse, especially just after birth or less than a year old N/a Show shifts
foam Natural objects Show shifts
fodder Artifacts Show shifts
follower (of guru, leader) <term of address to a woman_>,disciple N/a Show shifts
fontanelle soft membraneous spot on the head of a baby due to incomplete fusion of the cranial bones N/a Show shifts
food Natural objects Show shifts
fool Human being Show shifts
foot Body parts Show shifts
foot Body parts Show shifts
foot (poetry) basic measure of rhythm in a poem N/a Show shifts
foot-wear N/a Show shifts
foot/leg Body parts Show shifts
football fan N/a Show shifts
footprint, track Natural objects Show shifts
for removal 1 None N/a Show shifts
forbidden N/a Show shifts
ford Natural objects Show shifts
forearm part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow N/a Show shifts
forehead Body parts Show shifts
foreign Non-physical Show shifts
forelock Body parts Show shifts
foreskin retractable fold of skin which covers and protects the head of the penis in humans and some other animals Physical effect Show shifts
forest Natural objects Show shifts
forget-me-not (flower) Plants Show shifts
fortress Artifacts Show shifts
forty 40 N/a Show shifts
foster (of a parent or child) зroviding parental care to children not related to oneself or receiving such care N/a Show shifts
foster-father N/a Show shifts
foundation ditch N/a Show shifts
foundation, basement N/a Show shifts
founder N/a Show shifts
fourth N/a Show shifts
fox (Vulpes vulpes) Animals Show shifts
foxglove (Digitalis L.) Plants Show shifts
fragile N/a Show shifts
francolin bird Francolinus N/a Show shifts
frank Non-physical Show shifts
frankincense N/a Show shifts
fraud, cheat N/a Show shifts
fraudster N/a Show shifts
fraught with consequences Evaluation Show shifts
freak, oddity Abstract entities Show shifts
freckle Body parts Show shifts
free Non-physical Show shifts
free of charge Non-physical Show shifts
freedom N/a Show shifts
Freemason N/a Show shifts
frequent Time Show shifts
fresh Other physical Show shifts
fresh (of water) Other physical Show shifts
Friday Time Show shifts
fried eggs Artifacts Show shifts
friend Human being Show shifts
friendly, amicable Evaluation Show shifts
frigidity N/a Show shifts
frivolous Non-physical Show shifts
frog Animals Show shifts
from land to shore N/a Show shifts
from the top to the bottom of the mountain N/a Show shifts
front (during the war) Abstract entities Show shifts
front leg forelimb of quadruped animals N/a Show shifts
front part Space Show shifts
front part of foot N/a Show shifts
frost Natural objects Show shifts
frozen Other physical Show shifts
fruit Plants Show shifts
fruit pulp Natural objects Show shifts
fuel substance consumed to provide energy through combustion, or through chemical or nuclear reaction N/a Show shifts
full Non-physical Show shifts
full age time of life when a person is considered an adult N/a Show shifts
full stop Artifacts Show shifts
fun, gaiety Abstract entities Show shifts
funnel N/a Show shifts
funny Non-physical Show shifts
furious Non-physical Show shifts
furnace Artifacts Show shifts
further to, at or over a greater distance in space, time or other extent N/a Show shifts
furuncle boil or infected, inflamed, pus-filled sore N/a Show shifts
future N/a Show shifts