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Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
<name of person> Human being Show shifts
<negative evaluation> N/a Show shifts
<noble rank, title> None N/a Show shifts
<noise> N/a Show shifts
<numeral> Abstract entities Show shifts
nail (body part) Body parts Show shifts
nail (metal spike) Artifacts Show shifts
nail-head Artifacts Show shifts
naked, bare Other physical Show shifts
name N/a Show shifts
nameless N/a Show shifts
nap, shag (of a carpet) Natural objects Show shifts
nape the back part of the head and neck N/a Show shifts
naphthalene white crystalline hydrocarbon manufactured from coal tar; used in mothballs N/a Show shifts
narcotic drugs N/a Show shifts
narrow Size Show shifts
narrow, close Other physical Show shifts
narwhal (Monodon monoceros); N/a Show shifts
native N/a Show shifts
native land N/a Show shifts
nature Natural objects Show shifts
nausea N/a Show shifts
navel Body parts Show shifts
navigational compass magnetometer used for navigation and orientation that shows direction in regards to the geographic cardinal points. The structure of a compass consists of the compass rose, which displays the four main directions on it: East (E), South (S), West (W) and North (N) Artifacts Show shifts
navy N/a Show shifts
near Space Show shifts
necessary Evaluation Show shifts
neck Body parts Show shifts
neck (of a musical instrument) the part of a stringed musical instrument extending from the body and supporting the fingerboard and strings (MW) N/a Show shifts
neck (of bottle etc.) Artifacts Show shifts
nectar N/a Show shifts
needle (conifers) N/a Show shifts
needle (sewing) None N/a Show shifts
needle-leaved forest N/a Show shifts
neighbour N/a Show shifts
nelma Stenodus nelma (Stenodus leucichthys nelma), freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae. It is widespread in the Arctic rivers from the Kola Peninsula (White Sea basin) eastward across Siberia to the Anadyr River and also in the North American basins of the Yukon River and Mackenzie River. N/a Show shifts
nephew Human being Show shifts
nerve bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics N/a Show shifts
nest (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
nestling, baby bird Animals Show shifts
net (n.) None Artifacts Show shifts
nettle (Urtica) Plants Show shifts
nettle-rash Human being Show shifts
nevertheless in spite of what preceded N/a Show shifts
new Time Show shifts
new year N/a Show shifts
New Zealand fur seal species of fur seal found mainly around southern Australia and New Zealand, Arctocephalus forsteri N/a Show shifts
newborn baby N/a Show shifts
newlywed N/a Show shifts
news Abstract entities Show shifts
newspaper N/a Show shifts
newspaper hoax N/a Show shifts
next Non-physical Show shifts
nickel N/a Show shifts
niece N/a Show shifts
night Time Show shifts
night-blindness N/a Show shifts
nightingale bird Luscinia luscinia Physiology Show shifts
nimble, deft, quick N/a Show shifts
nine numerical value equal to 9; the number following eight and preceding ten N/a Show shifts
nipple (part of the breast) N/a Show shifts
no N/a Show shifts
noble Non-physical Show shifts
node (botany) protuberant joint in a plant N/a Show shifts
node (part of a plant stem) part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge, often forming a slight swelling Abstract relations Show shifts
noise Natural objects Show shifts
noisy place N/a Show shifts
nonsense N/a Show shifts
noon Time Show shifts
normal Evaluation Show shifts
North Space Show shifts
northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) N/a Show shifts
nose Body parts Show shifts
nostril Body parts Show shifts
not long Time Show shifts
not strong (of liquid or smell) Taste Show shifts
not to act N/a Show shifts
not working N/a Show shifts
note book None Artifacts Show shifts
noticeable capable of being seen or noticed N/a Show shifts
noun (grammar) N/a Show shifts
November N/a Show shifts
novice N/a Show shifts
now Time Show shifts
Nowruz New Year in the Iranian/Zoroastrian calendar, celebrated on the spring equinox N/a Show shifts
nucleus (in physics) N/a Show shifts
number abstract entity used to describe quantity Non-physical Show shifts
numerous Quantity Show shifts
nun member of a Christian religious community of women N/a Show shifts
nurse person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young N/a Show shifts
nurse (junior medical staff) N/a Show shifts
nut, hazel Plants Show shifts
nutria, coypu large, crepuscular, semiaquatic rodent (Myocastor coypus) resembling a large rat, having bright orange-yellow incisors, native to South America and introduced to Europe, Asia and North America, valued for its fur in eastern Europe and central Asia and considered a pest elsewhere N/a Show shifts