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Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
<office> Artifacts Show shifts
<orthopteran> Animals Show shifts
oak deciduous tree with distinctive deeply lobed leaves, acorns, and notably strong wood, typically of England and northeastern North America, included in genus Quercus. Plants Show shifts
oar type of lever used to propel a boat, having a flat blade at one end and a handle at the other, and pivoted in a rowlock atop the gunwale, whereby a rower seated in the boat and pulling the handle can pass the blade through the water by repeated strokes against the water's resistance, thus moving the boat Artifacts Show shifts
oat widely cultivated cereal grass, typically Avena sativa Plants Show shifts
oath N/a Show shifts
obedient willing to comply with the commands, orders, or instructions of those in authority N/a Show shifts
objection, contradiction N/a Show shifts
observer Human being Show shifts
obsidian naturally occurring volcanic glass formed when lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth N/a Show shifts
obstacle something that impedes progress or achievement (Merriam-Webster) N/a Show shifts
obstinate, persistent None Non-physical Show shifts
ocean one of the large bodies of water separating the continents N/a Show shifts
ochre N/a Show shifts
October tenth month of the Gregorian calendar, following September and preceding November N/a Show shifts
oesophagus tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach N/a Show shifts
of high rank Non-physical Show shifts
of low rank None Non-physical Show shifts
official (n.) N/a Show shifts
offspring N/a Show shifts
often N/a Show shifts
oil (food) Artifacts Show shifts
oil particle Natural objects Show shifts
ointment (medicine) A viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment or as an emollient N/a Show shifts
OK expression used to indicate acceptance Abstract relations Show shifts
old (vs. new) existing, created a long time ago Time Show shifts
old (vs. young) having lived for most of the expected years Time Show shifts
old man Human being Show shifts
old man/grandfather old man and grandfather N/a Show shifts
old woman Human being Show shifts
oleander N/a Show shifts
olive (Olea europaea) N/a Show shifts
omen Abstract entities Show shifts
on all fours on one's hands and knees N/a Show shifts
on the outside Space Show shifts
once N/a Show shifts
one (unit) Abstract entities Show shifts
one hundred thousand N/a Show shifts
one piece (at counting) Abstract entities Show shifts
one's own N/a Show shifts
onion N/a Show shifts
only, just Abstract entities Show shifts
open (adj.) Other physical Show shifts
open-eyed with open eyes N/a Show shifts
opening of a sack N/a Show shifts
opening, hole Natural objects Show shifts
operculum of a snail anatomical structure like a trapdoor that exists in many (but not all) groups of sea snails and freshwater snails, and also in a few groups of land snails N/a Show shifts
opinion Abstract entities Show shifts
opossum Animals Show shifts
opportunity Abstract entities Show shifts
opposite Non-physical Show shifts
orange (plant) N/a Show shifts
orator N/a Show shifts
order N/a Show shifts
ordinary, common N/a Show shifts
oregano N/a Show shifts
organ (anatomy) larger part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions N/a Show shifts
origin None Abstract entities Show shifts
original N/a Show shifts
orphan N/a Show shifts
osprey (Pandion haliaёtus) N/a Show shifts
ostrich Animals Show shifts
other Non-physical Show shifts
other`s Non-physical Show shifts
otter (Lutra lutra) Animals Show shifts
outbuilding N/a Show shifts
outwards N/a Show shifts
oven N/a Show shifts
overcoat Artifacts Show shifts
owl Animals Show shifts
own (of a relative) Non-physical Show shifts
owner Human being Show shifts
owner (female) N/a Show shifts
owre, buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Animals Show shifts
ox N/a Show shifts