to knock to inform, let know 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Moksha
Lexeme тотнамс
Meaning 1 to beat
Meaning 2 to inform Шачема шице тячи? Ах, да мес ашеть тотна… мон тейть рамалень казне
It is your birthday today? Oh, why did not you tell me? I would have bought you a present...
Comment МокшРС 739
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Old East Slavic
Lexeme клепати
Meaning 1 to knock, to hit
Meaning 2 to indicate Глаголааше клепля коею смьртию хотяаше оумрети
He spoke indicating how he was to die.
Reference Sreznevskij
Comment The Czech word klepat 'to knock, to hit' means also 'slander' [ЧРС, с. 174]. The source meaning in the Slavic languages is 'strike producing a sound', represented in the following words: Bulg. клепя and Serb.-Cr. клепати 'to sharpen a scythe, to strike with a hammer'. Фасмер [2, 247] for the Pol. klepać gives the meaning of 'strike with a hammer, forge'. The meaning of 'accuse, slander' is present in the Old Rus. клепати 'accuse' [Срезневский, с. 1218], and also Bulg. клепя 'slander', the Rus. Поклёп (slander).
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme stučat'
Meaning 1 to knock стучать молотком
to hammer
Meaning 2 to inform, to delate (argot) стучать на сокамерников
to snitch on cellmates