rag, duster clothes 5 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme rag
Meaning 1 rag He was wiping his hands on an oily rag.
Он вытирал руки замасленной тряпкой.
Meaning 2 rags, tatters (clothes), clothes (colloq.) a. rag fair
- барахолка, толкучка
Comment Cf. raggery.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Lezgian
Lexeme pek
Meaning 1 duster, patch
Meaning 2 clothes (dialect, obs., ironical)
Comment (LezgRus 261)
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 тряпка (trjapka)
Lexeme 2 тряпки (trjapki)
Meaning 1 a flap of fabric a. Стереть пыль тряпкой 'to wipe off dust with a cloth'. b. Протереть пол мокрой тряпкой 'to wipe floor with a wet cloth'. c. Кукла из тряпок 'Rag doll'.
Meaning 2 raggery (colloq., derog.) a. Она только о тряпках и думает. 'She thinks only about raggery.' b. Истратила сто рублей на тряпки. 'She spent one hundred roubles for raggery.'
Reference BTS
NEW Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme крпа (krpa)
Meaning 1 rag, duster

крпа за под, крпа за прашину, крпа за судове 

floor cloth, dust cloth, dish cloth

Meaning 2 clothes

U "drzavi" Srbiji samo mafija i politicari mogu imati Velike Audije, a seljak mora da ore na volovima i da bude ubog... I da ide u krpama, i da se gega...

In the "state" of Serbia, only the mafia and politicians can have Big Audis, and the peasant has to plow on oxen and be poor... And walk in rags, and waddle...

Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 601 CLARIN.SI
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme trapo
Meaning 1 rag, duster
Meaning 2 (figurative) clothing, clothes
Reference DRAE