to do, act to copulate 6 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Amharic
Lexeme 1 adärrägä
Lexeme 2 tädärarrägä
Meaning 1 ‘to make, to do; to act’
Meaning 2 ‘to do to one another; to have sex. (euth.)’
Comment (K 1755)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme faʕala
Meaning 1 to do
Meaning 2 to copulate faʕala bi-l-marʔat-i ‘the compressed the woman’ (Lane 2420)
Reference Lane: 2420
Comment The Arabic word is consistently used in Soqotri with the meaning 'to fornicate', see CSOL I 532
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme make
Meaning 1 An Indian can make almost anything out of bamboo.
Индиец может соорудить из бамбука практически все, что угодно.
Meaning 2 to seduce, to make a person of the opposite sex go to make love Young Fraser tried to make her once.
Юный Фрейзер как-то попытался ее соблазнить.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme do
Meaning 1 What are you doing?
Что вы делаете?
Meaning 2 to have sexual intercourse (euphemism) Some service-man did your mother in Cyprus and then made an honest woman of her.
Один вояка переспал с твоей матерью на Кипре, а потом на ней женился.
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Karakhanid Uighur
Lexeme ӄил-
Meaning 1 to do, to make ар ӣш ӄилдӣ
a person did smth
Meaning 2 to copulate, to have sexual intercourse ар ӄизиґ ӄилдӣ
The man had sexual intercourse with the girl
Comment МК 3338. "[Это слово] указывает на совокупление, поэтому огузы его избегают и вместо ӄилдӣ"он сделал" говорят ӣттӣ "он совершил". ар йукунҗ ӣттӣ"он совершил молитву" (там же) "[This word] refers to sexual intercourse, so the Oghuz avoid it, instead of ӄилдӣ"he did" they say ӣттӣ "he performed". ар йукунҗ ӣттӣ"he performed a prayer" (ibid)
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Tigrinya
Lexeme gäbärä
Meaning 1 ‘to do, to make, to work’
Meaning 2 ‘to fornicate, commit adultery’
Comment also tägabärä ‘to have sex (couple)’ (KT 2291, 2293)