to turn, rotate (tr.) to change (tr.) 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme قَلَبَ ḳalaba
Meaning 1 to invert, to turn ḳalabtu ʔināʔ-a ʕalāˊ raʔs-i-hi
I turned over the vessel upon its head.
Meaning 2 to alter, to change ḳalaba l-wāw-a yāʔ-an
He changed the letter waw into the letter ya.
Reference Lane: 2552
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Soqotri
Lexeme kóḷe
Meaning 1 to turn, rotate (tr.) di-yeyháḳaḷ wa-ʔaḷ-yekóḷe ri di-ḥérhen (CSOL II 180)

 One who goes down and does not turn one’s head back.

Meaning 2 to change (tr.) wa-kéḷe díʔyhen ḳáʕar deš di-ʔɛtíhi fíne keḷéʔes mésgid (ad-Daʕrhi et al. 2019:550)

And the house where they used to assembled they transformed into a mosque.

Reference CSOL II: 499
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Yaqui (Hiaki)
Lexeme kuakta
Meaning 1 to turn (tr.)
Meaning 2 to convert (tr.)
Reference Dictionary Yaqui: 84