to strike, hit to castrate, geld 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme ḳäṭäḳḳäṭä
Meaning 1 to pound, beat bärädow ḳäṭäḳḳäṭäw 'the hail beat it [grain] down'; bädula ḳäṭäḳḳäṭäw 'to beat up, thrash (with a stick)'
Meaning 2 to castrate by crushing the testicles
Comment (K 835). Cf. ḳəṭḳəṭ 'ram, ox or goat castrated as above' (K 835).
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme тући (tući)
Meaning 1 to beat, hit Saudijski sveštenik tinejdžerima savetuje kako ispravno tući supruge.
A Saudi cleric advises teenagers on how to properly beat their wives.
Meaning 2 to castrate, geld тући бикове
to castrate bulls
Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 353
Comment Example for meaning 1 - CLARIN.SI