to tickle to make noise 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Polish
Lexeme łoskotać
Meaning 1 to tickle
Meaning 2 to rumble, to make noise
Comment Also the Ucr. лоскотати, Bel. ласкатаць, South Rus. лоскотать 'tickle', in Rus. Dial. The meanings are 'to chat, to chat away, to jabber, 'to rattle'. СРНГ 17, 152
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 щекотать (ščekotat')
Lexeme 2 щекотать (ščekotat')'
Meaning 1 to tickle
Meaning 2 to chirp, to twitter, to chat
Comment Old Rus. щекотъ 'nightingale's singing'. Черных 2, 431: "звуковое впечатение вызывает осязательное впечатление щекотки" (sound perception causes also tactile tickling sensation), see however Фасмер 4, 500: "объединение этих слов затруднительно" (it is hard to related these words to each other)