to hear to find out 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Cognates
Language 1 Jewish Aramaic
Language 2 Akkadian
Lexeme 1 šmʕ
Lexeme 2 šemû
Meaning 1 to hear mylyn dšmʕ mn ʔbwy; petâ-ma ul išemmā uznāya
Things that he heard from his father; my ears are open but cannot hear
Meaning 2 to learn; to be informed ʔt šmʕ mynh trty; ašamme-ma šīmum ina maḫīrim mād
You learn from it two things; I hear that there is much buying (going on) in the marketplace
Reference DJPA: 558 CAD: š 2, 277-278
Comment From Proto-Semitic *šmʕ 'to hear'.