to die to stop doing smth. 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Geez
Lexeme mota
Meaning 1 to die (said of people, of animals) ʔəsma geśama nəmawwət 'because tomorrow we shall die' (Jes. 22:13)
Meaning 2 said of people who have removed from themselves vices or habits motna ʔəmḫaṭiʔat 'we separated ourselves from sin' (Rom. 5:2); mut ʔəmənna fətwatātihu lezə ʕālam 'seperate yourself from the desires of this world' (LLA 203)
Comment (LLA 203). In the meaning B the verb requires the preposition ʔəmənna 'from'.