foot/leg stem (of a plant) 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme agäda
Meaning 1 leg (of a man), hind leg (of a cow)
Meaning 2 stalk (of sugar cane, sorgum, maize, etc.); stem (of a plant)
Reference K: 1331
NEW Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Batsbi
Lexeme koḳ
Meaning 1 foot/leg
Meaning 2 stem, stalk
Reference Bertlani (ed.) 2013: 384
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme pes, pedis
Meaning 1 a foot of man or beast
Meaning 2 the stalk or pedicle of a fruit
Reference Lewis, Short
Comment Glare 1367. Also pedunculus 'little foot', the foot-stalk of a fruit or leaf', Vulgar Latin, New Latin pedīcellus > English pedicel French pédicelle, Italian pedicello, Portuguese pedicelo, Spanish pedicelo 'a stem that attaches a single flower to the inflorescence'; Late Latin petiolus > French pétiole, English petiole 'stalk of a leaf, attaching the blade to the stem'
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Cognates
Language 1 Tamil
Language 2 Kannada
Lexeme 1 tāḷ
Lexeme 2 tār̤
Meaning 1 leg, foot
Meaning 2 stem or stalk of corn, flowers, etc.
Reference DEDR: 277
Comment DEDR: 3185 Ta. tāḷ leg, foot, foot of a tree or mountain, stem, pedicle, stalk. Ma. tāḷ stalk, stem (chiefly of edible plants), the foot. Ko. ta·ḷ stem, trunk, slope of hill. To. to·ḷ thigh of animal's hind leg, trunk of tree, slope of hill. Ka. tār̤ stem or stalk of corn, flowers, etc. Koḍ. ta·ḷï stem. ? Te. tālu empty ears of corn [i.e. straw after threshing; so K.]. DED 2603.