mirror mirror (website) 9 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Catalan
Lexeme mirall
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 copy of an internet page Els miralls solen sincronitzar-se periòdicament amb el servidor principal per a mantenir la integritat de la informació.
Mirrors are usually synchronized periodically with the main server to maintain the integrity of the information.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme mirror
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 a copy of an internet page to be used if the original is down
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme miroir
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 a copy of an internet page to be used if the original is down
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Galician
Lexeme espello
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 copy of an internet page Os espellos facilitan o acceso á información daqueles usuarios que se atopan afastados da localización física do orixinal. Utilízanse para que a carga de páxinas ou a descarga de arquivos sexa máis rápida mediante un espello máis próximo ao cliente.
Mirrors facilitate access to information for those users who are far from the physical location of the original. They are used to make page loading or file downloading faster through a mirror closer to the client.
Reference <personally collected data>
Comment Also mirror
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Indonesian
Lexeme cermin
Meaning 1 mirror Aku melihat wajahku di cermin.
I see my face in the mirror.
Meaning 2 copy of an internet page Situs cermin umum digunakan untuk menyediakan banyak sumber untuk informasi yang sama, serta dengan alasan agar tersedia akses unduhan yang handal.
Mirror sites are commonly used to provide multiple sources for the same information, as well as for the reason that they provide access to reliable downloads.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Portuguese
Lexeme espelho
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 copy of an internet page Quando o instrumento de procura Google foi proibido de atuar em 2002 na República Popular da China, o sítio espelho elgooG foi criado fora dos limites geográficos da China para driblar essa proibição
When the Google search engine was banned from operating in 2002 in the People's Republic of China, the Google mirror site was created outside of China's geographic boundaries to circumvent that ban
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme oglindă
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 a copy of an internet page to be used if the original is down Site-urile oglindă sunt folosite mai ales cu scopul de a furniza mai multe copii ale aceleiași informații, îndeosebi pentru descărcările de mare anvergură, repartizând astfel sarcina generată de un trafic crescut pe mai multe servere și site-uri total separate.
Mirror sites are mainly used to provide multiple copies of the same information, especially for large-scale downloads, thus spreading the burden of increased traffic across multiple servers and completely separate sites.
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme зеркало (zerkalo)
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 a copy of an internet page to be used if the original is down
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme espejo
Meaning 1 mirror
Meaning 2 copy of an internet page Los espejos suelen sincronizarse periódicamente con el servidor principal para mantener la integridad de la información.
The mirrors are usually periodically synchronized with the main server to maintain the integrity of the information.
Reference <personally collected data>