<high rank officail in the Catholic Church> <alcoholic drink> 9 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Czech
Lexeme papež
Meaning 1 the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, the Holy Father
Meaning 2 drink made from wine, sugar and oranges
Reference PSJČ
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Danish
Lexeme biskop
Meaning 1 bishop
Meaning 2 mixed drink (of red wine, sugar, etc.). “Kellner, – to Biskopper paa Is!” “S'gerne!” . . Et Øjeblik efter stod den røde, isafkølede Drik foran (dem)
"Waiter, two Bishops on Ice!" “Like it!” . . A moment later, the red, ice-cold drink stood in front of them.
Reference ODS
Comment Since 1722 (Copenhagen faience manufactory) and especially in the second half of the 18th century, special faience vessels for the bishop in the shape of a miter were made in Northern Germany and Denmark)
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Danish
Lexeme kardinal
Meaning 1 highest dignitary after the Pope, member of the College of Cardinals
Meaning 2 mixed drink (of Rheinwein, champagne, sugar m. m.)
Reference ODS
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Dutch
Lexeme bisschop
Meaning 1 bishop (official in Orthodox, Catholic and some Protestant churches overseeing a diocese)
Meaning 2 mulled wine
Reference <personally collected data>
Comment Second meaning from late 18th c. Also bisschopswijn (lit. bishop's wine) 'a type of mulled wine, often drunk on and before Saint Nicholas' Eve (December 5), made of oranges'
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme bishop
Meaning 1 church official, supervisor of priests and congregations
Meaning 2 sweet drink made from wine, usually with oranges, lemons, and sugar; mulled and spiced port Well roasted, with Sugar and Wine in a Cup, / They'll make a sweet Bishop (Jonathan Swift, Women who cry Apples in Works (1746), VIII. 192); A bowl of that liquor called Bishop, which Johnson had always liked (1791, J. Boswell, Life of Johnson, anno 1752 I. 135); Spicy bishop, drink divine (1801, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Poems, II. 169).
Reference <personally collected data>
Comment From Dutch. Also bishop's wine 'Dutch mulled wine'
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme cardinal
Meaning 1 one of the officials appointed by the pope in the Roman Catholic Church, ranking only below the pope and the patriarchs, constituting the special college which elects the pope
Meaning 2 (obsolete) mulled red wine He goes up, and finds the remains of the supper, Tankards full of egg-flip and cardinal, and a party playing at vingt-un (1861, Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown at Oxford); A Recipe to make Cardinal, which I attribute to the German governess, raises a problem (1951, Herbert Warner Allen, A Contemplation of Wine, page 116); It was de Rosenberg's practice to separate young bloods from their inheritance, and to facilitate this he served them a vicious drink called 'cardinal', a mulled wine of which the ascertainable ingredients were a pineapple and several mixed vintages (1974, Dennis Walton Dodds, Napoleon's Love Child: A Biography of Count Leon, page 59)
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language German
Lexeme Bischof
Meaning 1 bishop
Meaning 2 cold drink made from red wine, sugar and the peel of bitter oranges Porzellanener Kumme, geformt wie ein purpurner Kohlkopf, welche mit wärmendem Punsch und Bischof füllte der Vater (Johann Heinrich Voss "Luise" 1795)).
Reference Duden
Comment Russian бишоф, бишов, бишоп 'alcoholic drink of grape wine with oranges ' (Dal'), Polish biszof, French bischof 'hot or cold drink, obtained by macerating, with or without spices, in sweet wine, lemon or orange', Swedish Bischoff 'drink consisting of red wine, water, sugar and orange' are from German. The color of the drink resembles the purple color of a bishop's robe (Vasmer 1,170).
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language German
Lexeme Kardinal
Meaning 1 highest dignitary after the Pope, member of the College of Cardinals
Meaning 2 cold drink made from white wine, sugar and bitter orange peel
Reference Duden
Comment From English cardinal (Duden)
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language German
Lexeme Kardinal
Meaning 1 highest dignitary after the Pope, member of the College of Cardinals
Meaning 2 red sparkling wine from Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei
Reference <personally collected data>