magpie (Pica pica) woodpecker 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
Type Cognates
Language Moksha
Lexeme шякшата
Meaning 1 magpie (Pica pica) Ах, шякшата, шякшата, мес пулоце кувака? (колядка)
Ah, magpie, magpie, why do you have a long tail? (kolyadka. Chirstmas traditional song )
Meaning 2 (dialectal) woodpecker Вов и вирсь. Сонь сетьмонц ванцы корожсь. Чёфксне кельмоть эзда эводсть, тусть. Аньцек ськамонза юватькшни корожсь да шякшатась таркси сукст ( И. Чигодайкин, Кши и сал)
Here is the forest. His calmness is guarded by an owl. The nightingales were afraid of the cold and flew away. Only one eagle owl gives a voice and the woodpecker takes out the worms
Reference Serebrennikov et al. 1998