muddy, turbid (of water) to be confused 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Akkadian
Lexeme ešû
Meaning 1 to be blurred or dark Idiqlat ešat arrat dalḫat u marṣat
The Tigris is turbid, restless, muddy and dark.
Meaning 2 to be troubled, confused lū nassāku ešāku u dalḫāku
I am truly miserable, confused and troubled.
Reference CAD: E 378
Comment Note that the authors of CAD mix the meanings 'to be troubled' and 'to be blurred or dark' together. The meaning B is truly represented in the passive Dt (uteššû) and N-stems (nanšû).
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 mutnyj
Lexeme 2 smutit'sja
Meaning 1 muddy, turbid мутная вода
muddy water
Meaning 2 to get embarassed он смутился и покраснел
He was embarassed and blushed