to spring, jump to burst / break 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Soqotri
Lexeme fer
Meaning 1 to spring, jump
Meaning 2 to burst, break ʔénkaʕ ʔénhi ʕag ḳɔn di-míʔšer di-fíyyot kor ʔeḳáronš ʔe-ḥánžɛhɛr wa-de ḳɔn tébrɛhɛr ʕámok hey díʔɛ ḳɔn ʔal yešḳáron ʕar lal yébded ŝiyáṭ yéfrer ʕámor teŝtéren ʔénhi biy ʕámok ṣáʕab ṭáʕle yeḳálem ʕámor ke-ḳélom l’ákɛn ʕank dibil’áš ʕámok naʕtébor wa-ŝóterk biy ʕaf yeṣṭében wa-kánaḥk ŝóterk biy tóʔo ʔéḳronk toy di-ḥánžɛhɛr ʕaf yešḳáron wa-tóʔo tétek ʕámor lirʕák ʔálla dɛ́hɛr (field data July 2021, MB)
A man brought me a horn of a dead billy goat so that I would work on it and make out of it a handle of a knife. The horn was very fragile. I told him: Your horn is not fit for this kind of work. When it feels fire, it will break. He said: Please apply your skills to it. I said: It will hardly work. It will definitely break. He said: If it breaks, this will cost you nothing (I won’t demand any compensation for the broken horn). I said: Let’s see. And I worked on it till it straightened, and I continued working till I managed to make a knife out of it. When I finished the work, he said: God keep you!
Reference LS: 342 CSOL I: 537 CSOL II: 458
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Soqotri
Lexeme ḳéḷom
Meaning 1 to spring, jump lal yéken ṭéyriḥ di-ʕáže taʕaméren ʔeghéten debóbe wa-teḳalémen be-ʕamḳ di-ḥágwa (field data. MB)
When there is a feast of giving away a woman to be married, the women beat the drum and jump inside the courtyard.
Meaning 2 to burst, break ḳéḷom nəŝyós-e
it burst into splinters
Reference LS: 376 CSOL I: 589 CSOL II: 513