free can, to be able 8 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Croatian
lexeme slobodno
meaning 1 freely
meaning 2 can, to be able

Slobodno uđi!

You can come in.

reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Dutch
lexeme vrij
meaning 1 free vrij zijn
to be free
meaning 2 can, to be able mag ik zo vrij zijn?
Can I?
reference Mironov 1987: 783-784
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language French
lexeme libre
meaning 1 free un paysan libre
a free peasant
meaning 2 able to do sth. les habitués de la place des Vosges étaient libres de l'apercevoir accoudé à la fenêtre
the habitués of the Place des Vosges had the possibility to notice him leaning against the window
reference CNRTL
comment Cf. also the obsolete expression Il est libre à qqn de + inf.: 'It is allowed to'
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme szabad
meaning 1 free szabad város; szabad ember; Aki börtönben van, az nem szabad
free city; free person; one who is in prison, is not free.
meaning 2 one may (+ inf) ; it is allowed (to inf.) neki nem szabad inni; szabad itt dohányozni?; szabad oda bemenni?
he is not allowed to drink; is it allowed to smoke here?; is it allowed to go in there?
reference Gal’di 1987: 668
comment From Slavic *svobodьnъ 'free' (Church Slavonic свободь (svodogь), Slovene slobod, Bulgarian слободен, Serbo-Croatian slȍbodan, Polish swobodny, Czech svobodný (Zaicz 2006))
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme 1 свободный
lexeme 2 свободен
meaning 1 free
meaning 2 can, to be able Ты свободен делать, что хочешь.
You are free to do what you want.
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme 1 вольный (vol'nyj)
lexeme 2 волен (volen)
meaning 1 free, independed, not-imprisoned, unrestricted Там были двое заключенных и трое вольных (Tam byli dvoe zaključennyx i troe vol'nyx)
There were two prisoners and three freemen
meaning 2 having permission or opportunity Вы вольны поступать как считаете нужным. (Vy vol'ny postupat' kak sčitaete nužnym)
You are free to do as you see fit.
reference BAS: 2, 634-636
comment Second meaning only in short form of an ajective.
NEW Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme слободно (slobodno)
meaning 1 freely

слободно живети

to live freely
meaning 2 can, to be able

Је ли слободно да седнем?

Can I sit down?

reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 240
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Yakut
lexeme кѳҥүл (kɵŋyl)
meaning 1 freedom, independence
meaning 2 permission кѳҥүл ыл- (kɵŋyl ɯl-)
to get a permission
reference Slepcov 1972: 179