when if 5 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Danish
Lexeme når
Meaning 1 when jeg ringer til dig, når jeg kommer hjem
I will call you when I come home
Meaning 2 on the condition that
Reference DDO
NEW Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Gagauz
Lexeme açan
Meaning 1 when

 о gelmiş, açan bän yóktum evdä

He came when I was not at home

Meaning 2 if

açan yok amazçı, kavga da yok

if there are no scammers, there is no swearing

Reference <personally collected data>

Gagauzça-rusça-romınca sözlük = Гагаузско-русско-румынский словарь = Dicţionar găgăuz-rus-român / Fundaţia pentru susţinerea şi dezvoltarea ştiinţei şi culturii găgăuzilor "CAINAC"; alcăt. P. Cebotari, I. Dron. - Ch.: PONTOS, 2002

ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Cognates
Language German
Lexeme 1 wann
Lexeme 2 wenn
Meaning 1 when
Meaning 2 if, when (rel.)
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Norwegian
Lexeme når
Meaning 1 when jeg kommer når jeg har spist
I will come when I have eaten
Meaning 2 if
Reference BO
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme kogda
Meaning 1 when (temrporal conjunction) Когда я был в Париже, видел Эйфелеву башню.
When I was in Paris, I saw the Tower of Eiffel
Meaning 2 if, whether Я выбрал бы другую, когда б я был, как ты, поэт (А.С.Пушкин)
If I were a poet, like you, I would have chosen the other one (A.S. Pushkin)