to fall down to happen 8 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme وَقَعَ waqaˁ
meaning 1 to fall

taqaˁ as-sawūliyyatu ˁalay ˁātiqihi

(metaph.) responsibility falls on him

meaning 2 to take place, to happen

waqaˁ fī ˀarḍ-in falāt-in

He chanced to be in a desert area.

reference Lane: 3057
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Croatian
lexeme pasti
meaning 1 to fall down

pasti na zemlju

fall to the ground

meaning 2 to happen
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme to fall
meaning 1 to fall down The apple fell from the tree
meaning 2 to happen, occur A great stillness fell upon the place.
reference ABBYY LINGUO
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme accido, -ere
meaning 1 to go down accidere ad terram
'fall to the ground'
meaning 2 to happen, occur accidit, ut...
'it happened that...'
reference Dvoreckij 1976: 20
comment Ср. также лат. casus 'случай' от cado 'падать'
NEW Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme пасти (pasti)
meaning 1 to fall down

пасти са дрвета, пасти са стола

fall from the tree, fall from the table

meaning 2 to happen

Празник пада у недељу.

The holiday will be on Sunday.

reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 916
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Tibetan
lexeme abab-pa
meaning 1 to go down, to descend gnam-las-kha-ba-abab-pa
the snow is falling from the sky
meaning 2 to come (date, term, time) agro-ran-la-abab
It is time to go
comment Рерих VI, 301. Или первое значение падать?
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme wärädä
meaning 1 to descend, come down, go down ʔənkab sämay nab mədri wärädä
He came down from heaven to earth
meaning 2 to happen to, befall s.o. ʔayəräd!
May it not happen!
reference TED: 1733
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme çök-
meaning 1 to settle, to sediment, to subside ev çöktü
the house sank, the house tilted
meaning 2 to come (night, silence) 1) gece birdenbire çöktü 2) sessizlik çöktü
1) night fell unexpetedly 2) silence fell
reference Jusipova 2005
comment Второе значение - это не случаться, а наступать