to raise, lift (tr.) to present, gift 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme ageru (上げる)
meaning 1 to lift te o ageru (手を上げる)
to raise one's hand
meaning 2 to present Kore wa anata ni ageru no desu (これはあなたに上げるのです)
This is my present for you
reference BJaRS
comment ЯРИРЯС 23.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Mongolian (Khalkha)
lexeme өргөх (örgöx)
meaning 1 to lift up гараа өргө!
put your hands in the air!
meaning 2 to present, to gift
reference BAMRS 2001-2002
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme ōkku-
meaning 1 to raise, lift (tr.)
meaning 2 to give, bestow
reference Tamil lexicon: 617
comment ōkku-, 5 v. tr. Caus. of ஓங்கு. 1. To raise, lift up; 2. To cause to rise; 3. To set apart; 4. To give, bestow; 5. To throw; 6. To make, produce;