Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
ACCEPTED Realization 1 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Ancient Greek | |
lexeme | τύπτω | |
meaning 1 | to beat, to hit, to wound | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to strike deeply | ἡ ἀληθηΐη τῶν λόγων ἔτυψε (τὸν Καμβύσεα) the truth of these words struck Cambyses |
reference | LSJ | |
comment | LSJ 1836 |
ACCEPTED Realization 3 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | French | |
lexeme | frapper | |
meaning 1 | to beat, hit | frapper un animal avec un bâton to beat an animal with a stick |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to surprise | Cette remarque m'a frappé. This observation surprised me. |
reference | Larousse online | |
comment |
NEW Realization 4 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | French | |
lexeme | choquer | |
meaning 1 | to beat, hit | choquer un meuble to hit a piece of furniture |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to shock, astonish | Ses fautes d'orthographe me choquent. His spelling errors shock me. |
reference | Larousse online | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 5 | ||
type | Derivation | |
language | Hungarian | |
lexeme 1 | megüt | |
lexeme 2 | megütközik | |
meaning 1 | to beat, hit | megütni az arcát to hit in the face |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to be shocked | megütközve nézni to look with surprise |
reference | Гальди 1974: 517, 518 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 7 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Moksha | |
lexeme | эрьхтемс | |
meaning 1 | to strike, hit | Кие-бди эрьхтезе Гардей атянь касомти кати-мезьса стакаса... ( П. Левчаев, Кярьмаз) Someone hit old Gordey on the head with something heavy |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to astonish | Ня валхне Анань эрьхтезь пря ланга ( И. Девин, Нардише) These words struck Anya |
reference | Serebrennikov et al. 1998 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 8 | ||
type | Semantic evolution | |
language 1 | Old East Slavic | |
language 2 | Russian | |
lexeme 1 | поразити | |
lexeme 2 | поразить | |
meaning 1 | to beat, hit | танк, поражённый в борт a tank that was hit in the side |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to astonish | Это известие поразило меня This new surprised me deeply |
reference | Sreznevskij: III: 1206 | |
comment | The verb поразить 'to hit and (often) wound' is obsolete and literary in modern Russian. Example for the first meaning is provided from modern Russian |
NEW Realization 9 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Russian | |
lexeme | ošarašit’ | |
meaning 1 | to strike, hit | Отец паренька по голове ошарашил The father hit the guy on the head |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | to astonish |
Поручик ошарашен его появлением Lieutenant is shocked by his appearance |
reference | MAS | |
comment | The direction of this realisation is highly probable because of the existence of Russian šarahnut’ 'to hit, to smash' in which no phonetic change occurs (the phonetic change is known to have taken place several centuries ago) |
NEW Realization 10 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Russian | |
lexeme | ogorošit’ | |
meaning 1 | to strike, hit |
Так огорошили, что до сих пор не придет в себя от боли S/he has been hit so hard that still has not regained consciousness |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | to astonish |
Капитан в первое мгновение был огорошен словами Василия Captain was shocked by Vasily's words at first |
reference | SRNG: 350 MAS Кучко 2017 | |
comment | The meaning 'to hit' is not attested in standard Russian, only in dialects, while the meaning 'to surprise, to shock' is presumed by us to be present in at least one of those dialects. Overall, the etymology of this Russian word is controversial, cf. article by Валерия Кучко (2017). |
NEW Realization 11 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Western Armenian | |
lexeme | apšel (ապշել) | |
meaning 1 | to be struck | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | to be astonished, to be stupefied | |
reference | ArmEngDict | |
comment |