miserable, unhappy
poor, needy
15 realizations
Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
NEW Realization 1 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Abaza | |
lexeme | чвкьащ | |
meaning 1 | miserable, unhappy | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor, needy | |
reference | Tugov 1967: 433 | |
comment | lit. 'shabby, bare' |
ACCEPTED Realization 2 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Czech | |
lexeme | bída | |
meaning 1 | trouble, misery | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | poverty, misery, need | |
reference | Pavlovič 1976: 31 | |
comment | In Serb., Mac. 'беда' there are both meanings. In Bulg., Rus. 'беда' means only 'trouble'. In Pol. bieda means only 'poverty'. Cf. Rus. Бедный (poor). |
ACCEPTED Realization 3 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | English | |
lexeme | poor | |
meaning 1 | miserable | Poor kid, he’s had a rough day. |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor | Her family were so poor they couldn’t afford to buy her new clothes. |
reference | LDOCE | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 4 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | French | |
lexeme | misère | |
meaning 1 | misfortune, trouble; misery, failure; suffering | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | poverty, misery, need | vivre dans la misère to live in poverty |
reference | Robert historique: 2251 | |
comment | Borrowed from Lat. miseria 'misfortuner' in 12th century. The meaning 1 has become obsolete. |
ACCEPTED Realization 5 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | French | |
lexeme | pauvre | |
meaning 1 | unhappy, miserable | Mon pauvre mari le disait bien. My poor husband said that. |
direction | ← | |
meaning 2 | poor | Ses parents étaient trop pauvres pour qu'il fasse des études. His parents were too poor to let him study. |
reference | Larousse online | |
comment | Lat. pauper has only the meaning 'poor' |
ACCEPTED Realization 6 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | German | |
lexeme | arm | |
meaning 1 | poor | arm wie eine Kirchenmaus poor like a churche mouse |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | miserable | du armes Würstchen! you poоr thing! |
reference | Duden | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 7 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Hungarian | |
lexeme | szegény | |
meaning 1 | miserable | Szegény kis gyermek, nem hagyják játszani! Poor little child, they do not let him play! |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor | szegény, mint a templom egere as poor as a church mouse |
reference | MEK 1978 Gal’di 1987: 680 | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 8 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Icelandic | |
lexeme | armur | |
meaning 1 | miserable, unhappy | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor, needy | |
reference | Berkov et al. 1962 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 9 | ||
type | Internal cognates | |
language | Itelmen | |
lexeme 1 | лэʔлуӈлаӽ | |
lexeme 2 | лелютинхен | |
meaning 1 | miserable, unhappy | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor, needy | |
reference | PIRS: 153 | |
comment | лелютинхен West Itelmen word recorded by Benedykt Dybowski |
ACCEPTED Realization 11 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Russian | |
lexeme | бедный (bednyj) | |
meaning 1 | poor | a. Бедный человек 'Poor person'. b. Бедная деревня 'Poor village'. |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | unhappy, miserable | Бедная! как она мало жила, как она много любила. (Некрасов) Poor thing! What a short life she lived, how much she loved! (Nekrasov) |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | Cf. Russian БЕДНЯК (poor person) vs. БЕДНЯГА (poor thing). |
ACCEPTED Realization 13 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Turkish | |
lexeme | cıbır | |
meaning 1 | poor | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | poor, miserable | |
reference | Baskakov 1977: 153 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 14 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Turkish | |
lexeme | fakir | |
meaning 1 | miserable, unhappy | |
direction | ← | |
meaning 2 | poor, needy | |
reference | Baskakov 1977: 287 | |
comment |
NEW Realization 15 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Ukrainian | |
lexeme | бідний | |
meaning 1 | unhappy | |
direction | → | |
meaning 2 | poor, needy | |
reference | URS Grinchenko 1909: I, 62 | |
comment |