wheel vehicle 8 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Derivation
language Croatian
lexeme 1 kolo
lexeme 2 kola
meaning 1 wheel lončarsko kolo
potter's wheel
meaning 2 vehicle sportska kola, malolitražna kola
sport car, subcompact car
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language German
lexeme 1 Rad
lexeme 2 Fahrrad
meaning 1 wheel
meaning 2 bicycle
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme kuruma (車)
meaning 1 wheel
meaning 2 car, carriage, cart etc
comment ЯРИРЯС 128.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Khmer
lexeme kɒŋ
meaning 1 wheel khnɒ:ŋ kɒŋ
wheel, rim
meaning 2 bike (colloq.)
comment Gorgoniev 1984, 26
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Latvian
lexeme rats
meaning 1 wheel
meaning 2 carriage
comment Also Lith. rãtas 'wheel', Pl. rãtai 'cart'. Иванов, Гамкрелидзе 719
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Cognates
language 1 Old Irish
language 2 Avestan
lexeme 1 roth
lexeme 2 raθa-
meaning 1 wheel
meaning 2 cart
comment Sanskr. rátha- 'cart, chariot', Lat. Rota 'wheel, circle', Old High Germ. Rad 'wheel'. Иванов, Гамкрелидзе 718-719
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Cognates
language 1 Sanskrit
language 2 Tocharian A
lexeme 1 cakrá-
lexeme 2 kukāl
meaning 1 the wheel (of a carriage)
meaning 2 carriage
comment MW380 Go back to the same root: the Toch. B kokale 'cart', Avest. Čaxra- 'wheel', Anc. Greek. Κύκλος 'circle, wheel', Old Icel. Hjól, hvél 'wheel', Old Eng. Hweogol, hwēol 'wheel', Mid. High Germ. Wēl 'wheel'. Иванов, Гамкрелидзе 718
NEW Realization 8
type Derivation
language Serbian
lexeme 1 коло (kolo)
lexeme 2 кола (kola)
meaning 1 wheel vodeničko kolo
mill wheel
meaning 2 vehicle Četri sata je izjutra , parkiram kola i ulazim u kuću.
At 4 o'clock in the morning I park the car and enter the house.
reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007
comment В словаре Vujanitsh et al. 2007 перечисляются типы транспорта, которые могут обозначаться с помощью слова "кола": "а. запрежно возило. б. аутомобил или сл . возило са моторном или електричном вучом. в. железнички вагон" - "a.horsedrawn transport, b. car or other vehicle with motor or electric traction, c. wagon"