to pay to revenge 22 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language Ancient Greek
lexeme 1 τίνω
lexeme 2 τίσασθαί
meaning 1 to pay
meaning 2 to revenge τίσασθαί τινα ὑπέρ τινος
to revenge on smb. for smth
reference LSJ
comment LSJ 1795-1796. The second meaning is present in Middle and Passive forms. Cf. also τίσις ' vengeance, punishment', Τῑσῑφόνη «Avenger fro murder» (the elder of the three Eumenides)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language English
lexeme 1 pay
lexeme 2 pay off
meaning 1 to pay wages
платить жалование
meaning 2 I'll pay him off for treating me like that.
Я ему отомщу за то, что он со мной так обходится.
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Farsi
lexeme اجر ajr
meaning 1 wages, remuneration, reward
meaning 2 punishment
comment ПРС 24.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Finnish
lexeme maksaa takaisin
meaning 1 pay back
meaning 2 pay back (figuratively)
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Geez
lexeme fadaya
meaning 1 to pay back, pay a debt fədəyi ʕədāki (4 Reg. 4:7)
Pay your debt!
meaning 2 to repay, pay a penalty ʔəfaddəyomu kāʕbata ʕamaḍāhomu (Jer. 16:18)
I will repay them double for their sin.
reference Haser 2000: 185 CDG: 155 LLA: 1378-1379
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Indonesian
lexeme balasan
meaning 1 repayment, compensation
meaning 2 revenge, punishment, answer
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Kilivila
lexeme -sikweya-
meaning 1 pay back
meaning 2 revenge
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Lezgian
lexeme haqːi
meaning 1 wages, remuneration, salary
meaning 2 punishment
comment (LezgRus 97)
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Malayalam
lexeme vīṭuka
meaning 1 be paid or discharged
meaning 2 be revenged
comment vīṭṭuka 'discharge what is due, replay'
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Mandarin Chinese
lexeme chóu
meaning 1 to pay
meaning 2 to revenge
comment It also has the meaning of 'reply, respond', and when used as a noun it means 'enemy' and 'enmity, malice' БКРС 13388
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Nahuatl
lexeme cuepiltia
meaning 1 give/pay back, pay back a loan
meaning 2 revenge
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Navajo
lexeme 1 niná`níshdlé
lexeme 2 bich`į` niná`níshdlé
meaning 1 pay back (money)
meaning 2 pay him back
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 platit'
lexeme 2 otplatit'
meaning 1 to pay a. Платить за труд 'to pay for work'. b. Платить натурой 'to pay in kind'. c. Платить наличными 'to pay in cash'. d. Платить золотом 'to pay in gold'.
meaning 2 to repay a. Отплатить злом за зло 'to return evil for evil'. b. Отплатить добром за добро 'to return good for good'. c. Отплатить черной неблагодарностью за заботы 'to return base ingratitude for care'.
comment ###NB: У "отплатить" нет исходного значения "платы".
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme расквитаться (raskvitat'sja)
meaning 1 to pay one's debt Вероятно, я скоро получу от Краевского мои 2000 за прошлый год тогда с тобою с первым расквитаюсь. (Белинский, Письмо В. П. Боткину, 10 февр. 1840.)
Soon I will probably get my 2000 roubles for last year from Krayevsky, then you will be the first person I will pay back. (Belinsky, letter to V. P. Botkin, 10 Feb 1840)
meaning 2 to revenge Иногда он выжидал целых полгода, чтобы расквитаться с врагом... (Мамин-Сибиряк, Казнь Фортунки)
Sometimes he could wait for a half a year to take revenge on his enemy... (Mamin-Sibiryak, The execution of Fortunka)
reference MAS
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 мзда (mzda)
lexeme 2 возмездие (vozmezdie)
meaning 1 recompense
meaning 2 revenge [Илья] не думал о Полуэктове, а лишь о том, что совершил тяжкий грех и впереди его ждет возмездие. (М. Горький, Трое)
Ilya did not think about Poluektov, only about the fact that he had committed a great sin and that he would have to pay for it. (M. Gorky, Three of Them)
reference MAS
comment In the modern Russian language мзда 'pay' is mostly perceived as an archaism and therefore used ironically, often to denote a sum of money paid for an illegally provided service.
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language Swahili
lexeme lipo
meaning 1 payment, recompense
meaning 2 revenge
comment from lipa 'pay, repay'
NEW Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme fädäyä
meaning 1 to return borrowed money, repay or pay off a debt
meaning 2 to avenge, get revenge
reference TED: 2724
ACCEPTED Realization 18
type Polysemy
language Tulu
lexeme būuni
meaning 1 repay, give in return
meaning 2 avenge
comment Haser 2000, 185
NEW Realization 19
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme ödeşme
meaning 1 payback, reckoning, payment

1.2 milyon dolarlık ödeşme.

A $ 1.2 million payday.

meaning 2 to revenge, payback

İIk kurbanı KızıIderili bölgesine atması onun ödeşme şekli olabilir.

Disposing of the first victim on the reservation may have been revenge.

reference Baskakov 1977: 698
ACCEPTED Realization 20
type Polysemy
language Vietnamese
lexeme tra
meaning 1 give something back, pay something
meaning 2 revenge on someone
comment Haser 2000, 185
ACCEPTED Realization 21
type Polysemy
language Yaqui (Hiaki)
lexeme notta
meaning 1 to return a favor, to pay back
meaning 2 to take revenge
reference Dictionary Yaqui: 113
ACCEPTED Realization 22
type Polysemy
language Zulu
lexeme enana
meaning 1 pay back, compensate
meaning 2 retaliate, requite
comment Haser 2000, 185