to go up to begin (tr.) 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Latvian
lexeme uznākt
meaning 1 to go up
meaning 2 to begin
reference <personally collected data>
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Vietnamese
lexeme lên
meaning 1 to rise, to go up
meaning 2 to start, to become
hát ‘петь’, rú ‘кричать, выть’, ức ‘быть оби-женным’, ghen ‘ревновать’, run ‘дрожащий’, đẹp ‘красивый’
comment With verbs, denoting «ситуации, поддающиеся зрительному или слуховому восприятию (situations that can be perceived visually or auditorily)» (‘сверкать (to glitter)’, ‘кричать (to cry)’, ‘плакать (to weep)’), denoting «душевное состояние» (emotional states)(‘ревновать (to be jealous)’, ‘обижаться’ (to be upset)) or «проявление (manifestation)» of such a state (‘браниться’ (to scold)), with adjectives. Cf. hát 'to sing', rú 'to shout, to howl', ức 'to be offended', ghen'to be jealous', run 'trembling', đẹp 'beautiful'.