to strike, hit to kill 34 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Abaza
lexeme щра
meaning 1 to strike, hit
meaning 2 to kill
reference Tugov 1967: 453-454

In Tugov 1967 the meaning 'to kill' is marked as first.

ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Akkadian
lexeme maḫāṣu
meaning 1 to hit ina maḫāṣim ša libbīša uštaddiši
he has made her lose her child by beating (her)
meaning 2 to kill ša ḫarrān šarri ana nēšī maḫāṣim
of the royal expedition to kill lions
reference CAD
comment CAD m 1, 73, 75
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme θείνω
meaning 1 to beat, to hit
meaning 2 to strike to death, to kill
comment (LSJ 787)
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme κόπτω
meaning 1 to beat, to hit
meaning 2 to kill
NEW Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Finongan
lexeme dodofo
meaning 1 to hit multiple people or things

Bom kak ke duni mun ginang dofoagunge

They usually hit their ears with a tulip tree branch

meaning 2 to kill them

Manga guda kunentamok a kalem tobole mot dofonengkomok

When we go there,we will kill big bandicoots.

reference Rice 2015: 47
NEW Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Finongan
lexeme ut
meaning 1 to hit or kick one person or object

Ate ina maa kobo ut tenen nomong bilige kuguk, anta tege kangan alak tangale kuu tuguk.

He had not taken anything to hit it so he only watched it go.

meaning 2 to kill

Sap te dinoop bisalami nanak kobo aina aleme age a utgunge.

The dogs came and killed one little bandicoot at the flat land.

reference Rice 2015: 118
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Gagauz
lexeme ur-
meaning 1 to beat, to hit, to knock капуйа урмаа
to knock at the door
meaning 2 to kill
comment ГРМС 486.
NEW Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Gedaged
lexeme fun-i
meaning 1 to strike, beat
meaning 2 to kill, murder
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Hittite
lexeme kwen-, kun-
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
comment Buck 552
ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Icelandic
lexeme slá
meaning 1 to beat, to hit slá hnefanum í borðið
to hit the table with a fist
meaning 2 to kill slá tvær flugur í einu höggi
to kill two birds with one stone (saying)
comment Берков
NEW Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Khmer
lexeme prɑhaa (ប្រហារ)
meaning 1 to strike, hit
meaning 2 to kill, execute
reference SEAlang Khmer
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme тотшкыны
meaning 1 to knock öдзöсö тотшкыны
to knock at the door
meaning 2 to slaughter (animal) тотшкыны порсьöс
to slaughter a pig
comment КомиРС 645
NEW Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme вартны
meaning 1 to strike, hit
meaning 2 to kill
reference Beznosikova et al. 2000
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme caedo, -ere
meaning 1 to beat, hit
meaning 2 to kill
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme ferio, -ire
meaning 1 to beat, to hit, to push nec semper feriet quodcurrique minabitur arcus
the bow does not always hit the target it threatened
meaning 2 to slaughter, to kill, to decapitate
reference Dvoreckij 1976
comment (Glare 686-687)
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language Lithuanian
lexeme dóbti
meaning 1 to hit, to beat dóbti šùnį
to beat the dog
meaning 2 to kill (with a heavy object)
comment LRŽ 152
NEW Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Malay
lexeme bantai
meaning 1 to strike, beat
meaning 2 to slaughter (cattle)
reference Rott et al. 1977.: 35
NEW Realization 18
type Polysemy
language Manam
lexeme un
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
reference ACD
NEW Realization 19
type Polysemy
language Molima
lexeme wunu-a
meaning 1 to strike, hit
meaning 2 to kill
reference ACD
NEW Realization 20
type Polysemy
language Old English
lexeme slēan
meaning 1 to strike, hit

Þā spǣtton hīe on his ansīene and bēoton hine mid heora fȳstum. Sume hine slōgon mid heora brādum handum and cwǣdon, "Sæġe ūs, Crist, hwæt is sē þe þē slōg"? (Wessex Gospels, Matthew 26:67-8)

Then they spat in his face and beat him with their fists. Some of them slapped him [literally "hit him with their broad hands"] and said, "Tell us, Messiah! Who is it that hit you?"

meaning 2 to kill

Sē hæġl slōg eall þā þing þe ūte wǣron, ǣġðer ġe menn ġe nīetenu ( Ælfric, the Old English Hexateuch, Exodus 9:25).

The hail killed everything that was outside, both people and animals.

reference Bosworth, Toller English Wiktionary
ACCEPTED Realization 21
type Cognates
language 1 Old High German
language 2 Old Norse
lexeme 1 treffan
lexeme 2 drepa
meaning 1 to beat, to hit
meaning 2 to beat, to kill
comment In modern Icelandic there is the polysemy: drepa 1) kill; 2) strike, beat, hit (Berkov)
ACCEPTED Realization 22
type Polysemy
language Romanian
lexeme a ucide
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
reference DEX98
comment DEX98
ACCEPTED Realization 23
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme bit'
meaning 1 to beat a. Не бей ребенка 'Do not beat the child'. b. Бить больно 'to beat painfully'. c. Бить кого-нибудь по голове 'to beat someone on the head'.
meaning 2 to kill (generally animals) a. Скот бьют на бойне. 'Cattle is slaughtered in a butchery.' b. Бить рыбу острогою. 'To kill fish with a gig.'
comment (Ushakov). Cf. also Russian стучать - пристукнуть.
ACCEPTED Realization 24
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 bit'
lexeme 2 ubit'
meaning 1 to beat Мальчик бил собаку.
A boy was beating a dog.
meaning 2 to kill Мальчик убил собаку.
A boy killed a dog.
ACCEPTED Realization 25
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme sarbh
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
comment Кочергина 712
ACCEPTED Realization 26
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme çaṭh
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
comment "To deceive" is cited as the first meaning Кочергина 633
ACCEPTED Realization 27
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme han
meaning 1 to strike , beat (also a drum) , pound , hammer
meaning 2 to kill
reference MW
comment MW1287, Кочергина 769
ACCEPTED Realization 28
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme khai
meaning 1 to strike , injure
meaning 2 to kill
reference MW
comment MW 340, Кочергина 186
ACCEPTED Realization 29
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme çiṣ (çéṣati)
meaning 1 to beat
meaning 2 to kill
comment Кочергина 647
NEW Realization 30
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme ghāta (घात)
meaning 1 a blow, bruise
meaning 2 slaying, killing
reference MW: 377
NEW Realization 31
type Polysemy
language Thai
lexeme bprà-hǎan (ประหาร)
meaning 1 (archaic) to beat; to hit; to strike
meaning 2 to kill
reference SEAlang Thai
NEW Realization 32
type Polysemy
language Thai
lexeme kâat (ฆาต)
meaning 1 (elegant, literary, poetic) hitting; striking
meaning 2 (elegant, literary, poetic) killing
reference SEAlang Thai
NEW Realization 33
type Polysemy
language Wantoat
lexeme tänguke
meaning 1 to hit
meaning 2 to kill
reference Davis, Dangepnana 2012: 125
ACCEPTED Realization 34
type Polysemy
language Yazghulami
lexeme da-
meaning 1 to beat, to hit
meaning 2 to kill
comment ЭСИЯ 2, 443