grain, seed tribe 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Aghul
Lexeme tum
Meaning 1 seed, seeds
Meaning 2 kindred, tribe
Comment (Sulejmanov 2003)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Geez
Lexeme zarʔ
Meaning 1 seed təmassəl mangəśta samāyāt bəʔəse za-zarʔa śannāya zarʔa wəsta garāhtu (Matth. 13:24)
The kingdom of heaven is similar to a man who has sown seed upon his fields.
Meaning 2 tribe ʔəm-zarʔa medon (Dan 9:1)
from the tribe of Media
Reference LLA: 1045
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Meadow Mari
Lexeme урлык
Meaning 1 seed, seeds (for sowing) Шурно тений пеш умен сай урлыкым ӱдымылан.
To-day the crops have grown very well, thanks to the good seeds that have been sown.
Meaning 2 clan; group of people, a series of generations descended from the same ancestor Тукымышто ӱдырамаш оза лийме жапыште кажне урлыкын посна организацийже, йӱлаже лийын.
During the matriarchy, each clan had its own structure, its own customs.
Reference Marij jylme muter