to fall down to die 35 realizations
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Adyghe
Lexeme етэкъохын (jɜtɜqɜwxɘn)
Meaning 1 to fall down from smth
Meaning 2 fig. to die
Reference Shaov 1975: 113
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Ancient Greek
Lexeme πέσημα
Meaning 1 fall
Meaning 2 death
Comment from the verb πίπτω 'to fall', cf. πέσος 'dead body'
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Armenian
Lexeme ənknel
Meaning 1 to fall
Meaning 2 to be killed, to die
Comment АрмРС 238
NEW Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Bulgarian
Lexeme падна
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to die, to perish

падна в битка

to die in battle

Reference Bernštejn 1966: 433
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme saḳaṭa
Meaning 1 to fall saḳaṭa fulān-un maġšiyy-an ʕalayhi
such a one fell down in a swoon
Meaning 2 to die saḳaṭa r-rağul-u
the man died
Reference Lane: 1380
NEW Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Croatian
Lexeme pasti
Meaning 1 to fall down

pasti na zemlju

fall to the ground

Meaning 2 to die
Reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Danish
Lexeme falde
Meaning 1 to fall down falde på gulvet
to fall to the floor
Meaning 2 to be killed faldet i kampen
killed on the battlefield
Reference DDO
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language English
Lexeme fall
Meaning 1 to fall
Meaning 2 to die 1) And women rent their tresses for their great prince's fall.
1) И женщины рвали на себе волосы, горюя о смерти своего великого государя (Lingvo)
Comment The same case in Icel. falla 'to fall' and 'to die in a battle; to die (cattle)' (Берков). Нем. Fellen.
NEW Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Erzya
Lexeme мадемс
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to die
Reference Serebrennikov et al. 1993: 356
ACCEPTED Realization 10
Type Polysemy
Language French
Lexeme tomber
Meaning 1 to fall down Un pot de fleurs tomba et se brisa.
A flower pot fell down and came to pieces.
Meaning 2 to be killed ceux qui sont tombés au champ d'honneur
the ones who fell in the battle
Reference Larousse online
ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Geez
Lexeme wadḳa
Meaning 1 to fall za-wadḳa diba ʔəbn (Matth. 21:44)
the one who fell on the stone 
Meaning 2 to die wa-wadḳa ʔəm-wəsta ḥəzb yəʔəta ʔamira 300 bəʔəsi (Ex. 32:28)
And that day about three thousand of the people died.
Reference LLA: 930-931
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Hungarian
Lexeme elesik
Meaning 1 to fall down Egy korcsolyázó pár elesett a jégen.
The figure skating pair fell down on ice.
Meaning 2 to die, pass away Elesett Isaszegnél.
He fell at the battle of Isaszeg.
Reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 13
Type Polysemy
Language Icelandic
Lexeme falla
Meaning 1 to fall down bollinn féll á gólfið og brotnaði
the cup fell down and came to pieces
Meaning 2 to be killed margir hermenn hafa fallið í bardögunum
a lot of soldiers fell in the battle
Reference ISLEX
ACCEPTED Realization 14
Type Polysemy
Language Japanese
Lexeme taoreru (倒れる)
Meaning 1 to fall その木は今にも倒れそうだった
The tree was ready to fall down
Meaning 2 to die 彼は舞台の上で心臓発作で倒れました
He died of a heart attack on the stage
ACCEPTED Realization 15
Type Polysemy
Language Komi
Lexeme усьны
Meaning 1 to fall усьны гуö, зэр эз усьлы войт
to fall into a pit, even a drop of rain did not fall
Meaning 2 to perish аръявыв öвад усьö
In autumn the gadflies die
Comment КомиРС 686-687
ACCEPTED Realization 16
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme cado, -ere
Meaning 1 to fall
Meaning 2 to perish, to die
Comment Also Rum. A cădea DRRS 1, 363
ACCEPTED Realization 17
Type Polysemy
Language Lithuanian
Lexeme krìsti
Meaning 1 to fall nuõ me˜džių kriñta lãpai
leaves are falling off the trees
Meaning 2 to die (animals) arklys krito
the horse died
Comment LRŽ 361, similarly iškrìsti
NEW Realization 18
Type Polysemy
Language Maori
Lexeme hinga
Meaning 1 to fall, fall over, lose, knock down
Meaning 2 to be defeated, killed, outdone, beaten, fallen over, overcome, smitten; loss, fall, defeat, death
Reference MD
ACCEPTED Realization 19
Type Polysemy
Language Norwegian
Lexeme falle
Meaning 1 to fall down falle på baken
to fall to the ground
Meaning 2 to be killed falle i krigen
to die in the war
Reference BO
ACCEPTED Realization 20
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 упасть
Lexeme 2 пасть
Meaning 1 to fall

он упал с крыши

he fell off the roof

Meaning 2 chaps Он пал на поле брани
He fell in a battle
Reference <personally collected data>
Comment Cf. also for Meaning 2: Rus. падеж скота 'loss of livestock'
NEW Realization 21
Type Internal cognates
Language Rutul
Lexeme 1 егъибхьур / eʁibxur
Lexeme 2 гегъибхьур / geʁibxur
Meaning 1 to fall down

джиба гулег'быр егъидхьур / ǯiba gulegʲbɨr eʁidxur

the keys fell out the pocket

Meaning 2 to collapse, to die

гъул гегъибхьур / ʁul geʁibxur

ихьды зер гегъибхьур / ixʲdɨ zer geʁibxur

the window collapsed

our cow died

Reference Alekseeva et al. 2023

eʁibxur (INSIDE-OUT-fall)* and geʁibxur (UNDER-OUT-fall) have the same bound root xur, which is present in other words with other preverbs (=prefixes): ibxur (fall in smth), kibxur (fall into liquid), etc.

* These are not proper glosses for the word, it is a scheme to represent the root and the preverbs in the word

ACCEPTED Realization 22
Type Polysemy
Language Sanskrit
Lexeme gal
Meaning 1 to fall down or off
Meaning 2 to vanish , perish , pass away
Reference MW
Comment MW350, Кочергина 190
ACCEPTED Realization 23
Type Polysemy
Language Sanskrit
Lexeme cyuti
Meaning 1 falling , falling down , gliding
Meaning 2 perishing , dying
Reference MW
Comment MW403.
NEW Realization 24
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme пасти (pasti)
Meaning 1 to fall down

пасти са дрвета, пасти са стола

fall from the tree, fall from the table

Meaning 2 to die

Srbi su u besmrtnu pesmu ugradjivali plemenita dela svojih predaka, hrabra dela onih koji su pali u borbi za slobodu. 

The Serbs incorporated the noble deeds of their ancestors, the brave deeds of those who died in the fight for freedom, into an immortal song.

Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 916
ACCEPTED Realization 25
Type Polysemy
Language Spanish
Lexeme caer
Meaning 1 to fall cear del tejado
to fell down frm the roof
Meaning 2 to perish caer en la lucha por la libertad
to fall in the fight for freedom
Comment Narumov 1995: 146-147
ACCEPTED Realization 26
Type Polysemy
Language Swahili
Lexeme pukutika
Meaning 1 to fall
Meaning 2 to die in mass watu walipukutika
People were dying like flies
Comment Polikanov
ACCEPTED Realization 27
Type Polysemy
Language Swedish
Lexeme falla
Meaning 1 to fall down stenen föll ner från taket
the stone fell off the roof
Meaning 2 to be killed han föll i slaget vid Stiklastad
he fell in the battle of Stiklestad
Reference SAO
ACCEPTED Realization 28
Type Polysemy
Language Tagalog
Lexeme lagás
Meaning 1 detached
Meaning 2 dead
Comment The verbs málagás 'to separate, to fall out, to fall', málagásan 'to die'. Таг 178
ACCEPTED Realization 29
Type Polysemy
Language Tamil
Lexeme utir
Meaning 1 to fall down (about the leaves, predominantly)
Meaning 2 to die, pass away
Reference Tamil-Russian dictionary: 119
ACCEPTED Realization 30
Type Polysemy
Language Tamil
Lexeme viẓu
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to pass away, to die
Reference Tamil lexicon: 3721
NEW Realization 31
Type Polysemy
Language Tatar
Lexeme егылу
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to die
Reference Asylgaraev, Ganiev et al. (eds.) 2007: 1, 368
ACCEPTED Realization 32
Type Polysemy
Language Tigre
Lexeme hagga
Meaning 1 to fall
Meaning 2 to perish
Reference WTS: 28
NEW Realization 33
Type Polysemy
Language Tigrinya
Lexeme wädäḳ̌ä
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to die
Reference TED: 1787-88
ACCEPTED Realization 34
Type Polysemy
Language Yakut
Lexeme оҕут-
Meaning 1 to fall мас охтубут
a tree felt
Meaning 2 to be lost; to die, to kick off 1) ойуурдаах куобах охтубат
1) a hare will not get lost in the forest (prov.) 2) dead cattle
Comment ЯРС 266.
NEW Realization 35
Type Polysemy
Language Yakut
Lexeme оҕут=
Meaning 1 to fall down
Meaning 2 to die (of animals)
Reference SakhaTyla.Ru