side (n.) political party 5 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Amharic
lexeme wägän
meaning 1 side (direction), flank (side)

Amharic '; ' (K ).'

meaning 2 clan, group (formed by blood or personal relationships), kin, faction sect, party, clique, people on the same team, partisans; descent, family (descent), species (fauna), tribe, race; type, kind, sort
reference <personally collected data>

K 1580

ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Croatian
lexeme 1 strana
lexeme 2 stranka
meaning 1 side (n.)

sjeverna strana, južna strana, zadnja strana

north side, south side, back side

meaning 2 political party

Hrvatska republikanska seljačka stranka

Croatian Republican Peasant Party

reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Czech
lexeme strana
meaning 1 side
meaning 2 political party
comment The same polysemy in Slovak. In Serb. derivation: страна 'country' - странка 'party'.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Serbian
lexeme 1 страна (strana)
lexeme 2 странка (stranka)
meaning 1 side (n.)

преврнути се с једне на другу страну

roll over from one side to the other

meaning 2 political party

демократска странка, радикална странка

democratic party, radical party

reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 1274
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme wägän
meaning 1 part, side bäbbəwägän 'from every direction, on all sides'
meaning 2 group, party, clique, tribe, relation, relatives wägän fäläyä 'to form a party, a group, a clique'
comment (KT 1799).