to check, test
to feel (an emotion)
2 realizations
Related shifts
ID | Meaning 1 | Direction | Meaning 2 |
ACCEPTED Realization 1 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | French | |
lexeme | éprouver | |
meaning 1 | to test | éprouver la fidélité d'un ami to test a friend's loyalty |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | to feel | éprouver un remords to feel remorse |
reference | CNRTL | |
comment |
ACCEPTED Realization 2 | ||
type | Polysemy | |
language | Russian | |
lexeme | испытывать (ispytyvat') | |
meaning 1 | to test | |
direction | — | |
meaning 2 | to feel | испытывать чувство вины to feel guilty |
reference | <personally collected data> | |
comment | In Russian it is obviously a calque from the French éprouver. |