#1171 heart location of emotions 160 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Abaza
lexeme гвы (gʷə)
meaning 1 heart

агвы кшитI / agʷə kšəjṭ

heart beats

meaning 2 location of emotions

ахабар сгвы йыцIалтI / aχabar sgʷə jəc̣alṭ

I took this news to heart

reference Tugov 1967
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Abkhaz
lexeme агәы
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Genko 1998: 69
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Adyghe
lexeme гу (gʷǝ)
meaning 1 heart ыгу ебгъэ, ыгу мапэ, гу льетэ, ыгу мэкIоды, гу щефэ, ыгу къенэ, ыгу кьехьэ
he is offended, he is worried, he is guessing, he is losing courage, he is enjoying it, it is remaining in memory, it is coming to one's mind
meaning 2 heart
reference Txarkaxo 1991: 44-45
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Akhvakh
lexeme ракӀва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Magomedova, Abdulaeva 2007: 322-323
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Akkadian
lexeme libbu
meaning 1 heart ilput libbašu-ma ul inakku[d]
he touched his heart but it was not beating
meaning 2 the site of all the emotions and movements of ths soul ḫud libbi; libba-šunu ṭâb; muṭîb libbi (ilu) Marduk; lumun libbi
joy of heart; their hearts are glad (lit. good); Marduk is glad of heart; grief, sorrow, distress (lit. 'misery of heart')
reference CAD: L 166
comment 'siège et principe de toutes les affections et de tous les mouvements de l'âme' (Dhorme 1963, 113-121).
ACCEPTED Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Amharic
lexeme ləbb
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference AED: 71
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme καρδία
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (the seat of emotion and will) οἰδάνεται καρδία χόλῳ ‘сердце наполняется гневом’ (Гомер), ἐκ καρδίας φιλεῖν ‘любить всем сердцем’ (Аристофан), θερμὴν ἐπὶ ψυχροῖσι καρδίαν ἔχεις ‘у тебя пламенное сердце в делах, которые [других] бросают в холод’ (Софокл)
μόλις καρδίας ἐξίσταμαι ‘I unwillingly refuse my intention’ (Sophocles)
ACCEPTED Realization 8
type Polysemy
language Ancient Hebrew
lexeme lēb, lēbāb
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference HALOT: 513-515
ACCEPTED Realization 9
type Polysemy
language Arabela
lexeme jiuujia
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Rich R.G. Diccionario Arabela-Castellano Serie Lingüística Peruana, 1999. 166

ACCEPTED Realization 10
type Polysemy
language Armenian
lexeme sirt (սիրտ)
meaning 1 heart

srti katʿvac (սրտի կաթված)

heart attack

meaning 2 heart (symbolic center of one's being, emotions, and sensibilities)
reference Galstjan 1984
ACCEPTED Realization 11
type Polysemy
language Avar
lexeme ракІ
meaning 1 heart

рекІел унти

heart disease

meaning 2 seat of emotions, soul

reference Gimbatov 2006
ACCEPTED Realization 12
type Polysemy
language Azerbaijani
lexeme ürәk
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 soul
reference ARRAL: 256
ACCEPTED Realization 13
type Polysemy
language Bagvalal
lexeme ракӀва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Magomedova 2004: 295-296
ACCEPTED Realization 14
type Polysemy
language Bamu
lexeme giropu
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Carr & Carr 2012: 34
ACCEPTED Realization 15
type Polysemy
language Bariai
lexeme iatate
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference Gallagher 2008: 62
ACCEPTED Realization 16
type Polysemy
language Basque
lexeme bihotz
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 bihotz-zabal ‘щедрый’, букв. ‘широкое сердце’, bihotz-biguin ‘сострадательный’, букв. ‘мягкое сердце’, bihotz-mehe ‘трусливый’, букв. ‘тонкое сердце’, bihotzil ‘грусть’, букв. ‘сердце умирает’,
bihozmin ‘misery’, lit. ‘heart ache’, bihotz zimiko ‘repentance’, lit. ‘the heart is squeezed’
comment Ibarretxe-Antunano 2008, 103 – 130
ACCEPTED Realization 17
type Polysemy
language Batak Toba
lexeme pusu-pusu
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 18
type Polysemy
language Batsbi
lexeme doḳ
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Mikeladze, Gigashvili 2012: 257-266
ACCEPTED Realization 19
type Polysemy
language Belarusan
lexeme сэрца
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Slounik.org
ACCEPTED Realization 20
type Polysemy
language Botlikh
lexeme ракӀва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Саидова П.А., Абусов М.Г. Ботлихско-русский словарь. -
Махачкала, 2012 315-316

ACCEPTED Realization 21
type Polysemy
language Bulgarian
lexeme сърце
meaning 1 heart

разрив на сърцето

heart attack 

meaning 2 location of emotions

разкъсано сърце, на драго сърце, човек без сърце

broken heart, with the great pleasure, cruel person

reference Bernštejn 1966: 647-648
ACCEPTED Realization 22
type Polysemy
language Buru
lexeme poson fua-n
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 23
type Polysemy
language Catalan
lexeme cor
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of inner feeling, of suffering, of joy, of desire

Portar gravada una cosa al cor. Tenir el cor net. Tenir el cor trist, alegre. Tenir una pena al cor. Rosegar, una pena, el cor.

Carry something engraved in the heart. Have a clean heart. Have a sad, joyful heart. To have a sorrow in the heart. Gnawing, a pity, the heart.

reference DIEC2
ACCEPTED Realization 24
type Polysemy
language Chamalal
lexeme йакIва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Magomedova 1999: 173
ACCEPTED Realization 25
type Polysemy
language Cherokee
lexeme adanvdo (ᎠᏓᏅᏙ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 26
type Polysemy
language Chichewa (Nyanja)
lexeme mtíma
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 attitude, nature (of a person)
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 27
type Polysemy
language Chukchee
lexeme лен'тъылгыргын
meaning 1 heartache
meaning 2 anguish, longing
reference Moll, Inènlikèj 1957: 73
ACCEPTED Realization 28
type Polysemy
language Chʼol
lexeme pusic'al
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Aulie, Aulie 2009: 74-75
ACCEPTED Realization 29
type Polysemy
language Classical Armenian
lexeme sirt (սիրտ)
meaning 1 heart

sirtn babaxē, tʿnday (սիրտն բաբախէ, թնդայ)

the heart palpitates

meaning 2 heart, soul, mind, intellect, memory, intelligence; courage, spirit

eraxtagēt sirt (երախտագէտ սիրտ)

reference Petrosean, Matatʿeay 1879
ACCEPTED Realization 30
type Polysemy
language Coast Tsimshian (Shm’algyack)
lexeme ggoad
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

·Ama ggoada 'wee 'yoota gwee

That man is very kind

reference Roberts 2009: 22
ACCEPTED Realization 31
type Polysemy
language Coeur d'Alene
lexeme =algwa(s)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Barthmaier Paul T. A dictionary of Coeur d'Alene Salish from Gladys Reichard's file slips University of Montana. 1996 18, 22, 45, 52

ACCEPTED Realization 32
type Polysemy
language Croatian
lexeme srce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions biti bez srca, biti dobra (meka) srca, sad mi je srce na mjestu, steže mi se srce
to be heartless, to be kind-hearted, now I am pleased, I am frightened
reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 33
type Polysemy
language Crow
lexeme dás(e)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Medicine Horse 1987: 25, 70

Lowie R.H. Crow Word Lists. Crow-English and English-Crow Vocabularies Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960 79, 258

have no two hearts = don't worry

ACCEPTED Realization 34
type Polysemy
language Cuicatec
lexeme sta2vie2'en4
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 soul
reference Anderson, Roque 1983: 702
ACCEPTED Realization 35
type Polysemy
language Czech
lexeme srdce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference SSJČ
ACCEPTED Realization 36
type Polysemy
language Dakota
lexeme ćaŋ-te'
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of affections
reference Riggs 1995: 92
ACCEPTED Realization 37
type Polysemy
language Danish
lexeme hjerte
meaning 1 heart hjertet hamrer
the heart is beating
meaning 2 location of emotions stå ens hjerte nær
to be after one’s heart
reference DDO
ACCEPTED Realization 38
type Derivation
language Dargwa (literary)
lexeme 1 уркIи
lexeme 2 уркIи-дулекI
meaning 1 liver
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>


ACCEPTED Realization 39
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme heart
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

be guided by one's heart not one's head; his heart melted with joy

reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 40
type Polysemy
language Erzya
lexeme седей
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (the seat of the soul) седеесь кенярды ‘сердце радуется’, сыремтем седеенть ‘растревожить сердце’
comment ЭрзРС 573-574
ACCEPTED Realization 41
type Polysemy
language Evenki
lexeme мēван
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 мēвандун хивин одячан ‘в его сердце заползла тревога’
comment Болдрев 2000, I, 345
ACCEPTED Realization 42
type Polysemy
language Eyak
lexeme -’uG-L
meaning 1 heart

si’uGL si’a:nch’ la’ya:g my heart is palpitating, beating fast, si’uGL lah ’i:nsdi’yahL my heart beat fast

meaning 2 location of emotions

’a’d si’uGtl’ ’idAsAliL, ’a’d si’uGL’a:na’tl’ ’idAsAliL it touched my heart (touched me deeply), ’Al si’uGL ’ich’ qu’li:x’ah, ’idA’ilah qe’xleh I'd give you this heart of mine, I love you so, si’uGLlAyAq’Ach’ahd ’ilah qe’xleh I love you with all (from the inside of) my heart

reference <personally collected data>

Krauss Michael E. Eyak Dictionary University of Alaska, 2012 307

ACCEPTED Realization 43
type Polysemy
language Farsi
lexeme del (دِل)
meaning 1 (original sense, now less common) heart
meaning 2 mind; (figurative) the heart (as the seat of emotion)
reference Steingass 1892
ACCEPTED Realization 44
type Polysemy
language Finnish
lexeme sydän
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 one's feelings and emotions; seat of the affections or sensibilities
reference Vahros, Ščerbakov 2007 English Wiktionary
ACCEPTED Realization 45
type Polysemy
language Francisco León Zoque
lexeme tsocoy
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Engel & Engel 1987: 210
ACCEPTED Realization 46
type Polysemy
language French
lexeme cœur
meaning 1 heart battements de cœur
meaning 2 location of emotions mouvements du cœur; soulager son cœur
inner impulses; to bare one’s soul
reference CNRTL
ACCEPTED Realization 47
type Polysemy
language Galician
lexeme corazón
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 he seat of human love and kindness; the seat of human fortitude, valor, spirit
reference DRAG
ACCEPTED Realization 48
type Polysemy
language Geez
lexeme ləbb
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference LLA: 41-42
ACCEPTED Realization 49
type Polysemy
language Georgian
lexeme guli (გული)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 50
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme Herz
meaning 1 heart die Verpflanzung des Herzens 'пересадка сердца'
meaning 2 location of emotions ein hartes Herz haben ‘иметь жестокое сердце’ dem Zuge des Herzens folgen ‘следовать влечению сердца’, aus dem Grund seines Herzens hassen ‘ненавидеть всей душой’, das Herz ging ihm auf ‘его душа переполнилась счастьем’
ACCEPTED Realization 51
type Polysemy
language Godoberi
lexeme ракӀва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

П. А. Саидова. Годоберинско-русский словарь. - Махачкала,
2006 244

ACCEPTED Realization 52
type Polysemy
language Guarani
lexeme ñe'ã
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind
reference Guasch, Ortiz 1998: 690
ACCEPTED Realization 53
type Polysemy
language Guarani
lexeme py'a
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Guasch, Ortiz 1998: 730-731
ACCEPTED Realization 54
type Polysemy
language Guayabero
lexeme matpʉ́at
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

Japón nejchaxóel pejmatpʉ́atat.

Él pensó en su corazón.

reference Kondo et al. 2022: 63
ACCEPTED Realization 55
type Polysemy
language Highland Chinantec
lexeme dsíirˊ
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Goodwin et al. 2021: 29-30
ACCEPTED Realization 56
type Polysemy
language Hindi
lexeme hŕday (हृदय)
meaning 1 heart

rogī kā hŕday abhī bhī dhaṛak rahā hai. (रोगी का हृदय अभी भी धड़क रहा है।)

The patient's heart is still beating.

meaning 2 location of emotions

uskī vāṇī ne mere hŕday ko chū diyā. (उसकी वाणी ने मेरे हृदय को छू दिया।)

His speech touched my heart.

reference Bahri 1989
ACCEPTED Realization 57
type Polysemy
language Hopi
lexeme unangwa
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Albert, Shaul 1985: 102

unangwmokna '1. oppress, frustrate, dishearten 2. stir one’s heart' unangwtalawva 'come to senses, reason, rationale'

ACCEPTED Realization 58
type Polysemy
language Hungarian
lexeme szív
meaning 1 heart

dobog a szíve

his/her heart beats

meaning 2 location of emotions

Arany szív, nincs benne szív, kemény szíve van

A heart of gold, it's made with no heart, (s)he has a hard heart

reference MEK 1978
ACCEPTED Realization 59
type Polysemy
language Ibaloy
lexeme poso
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (regarded as the seat of various emotions, as love, sympathy, generosity)
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 60
type Polysemy
language Icelandic
lexeme hjarta
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions létta á hjarta sínu; fyrirgefa honum af hjarta
to bare one’s soul; to forgive him with all one’s heart
reference ISLEX
ACCEPTED Realization 61
type Polysemy
language Indonesian
lexeme jantung
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (as the seat of the emotions)
reference SEALang Indonesia
ACCEPTED Realization 62
type Polysemy
language Indonesian
lexeme jantung
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference SEALang Indonesia
ACCEPTED Realization 63
type Polysemy
language Irish Gaelic
lexeme croí
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Ó Dónaill 1977
ACCEPTED Realization 64
type Polysemy
language Italian
lexeme cuore
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 emotion, kindness, moral effort, or spirit
reference Vocabolario Treccani
ACCEPTED Realization 65
type Polysemy
language Itelmen
lexeme лыӈч
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

ӄаʔм лыӈчкин

callous, cruel (lit. 'heartless')

reference PIRS: 150
ACCEPTED Realization 66
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme kokoro (心 )
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 soul 1.彼女は優しい心の持ち主です
1.She has a kind heart.
comment EDICT.
ACCEPTED Realization 67
type Polysemy
language Kaingang
lexeme fe
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

fe kãnhvy

joy (lit. 'light heart')

reference Gojtéj Wiesemann 2011: 17-18
ACCEPTED Realization 68
type Polysemy
language Karo Batak
lexeme pusuh
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 69
type Polysemy
language Kashubian
lexeme serce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Internetowi Słowôrz Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka [Internet Dictionary of the Kashubian Language], Fundacja Kaszuby, 2022
Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011) Słownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi

ACCEPTED Realization 70
type Polysemy
language Khmer
lexeme beh dooŋ
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 soul (figurative)
reference SEAlang Khmer
ACCEPTED Realization 71
type Polysemy
language Kildin Saami
lexeme кӯттҍк
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Kuruč 1985: 135
ACCEPTED Realization 72
type Polysemy
language Kombio
lexeme wunemp, wonemp
meaning 1 heart, organ of the body which pumps blood through it

Wunemp akei wurwur, yikn ko niek sank.

(When) the heart is beating, you will talk

meaning 2 seat of emotions and sometimes thoughts

wunemp pipilakn Describes a strong person. Lit: 'heart-light'. Wunemp pipilakn keipmel. heart-light-above = a very fit, strong (person)
wunemp al kil hidden.anger.
wunemp alep/yilep envy. [Note: This one can be realis (alep) or irrealis (yilep)]
wunemp niumpuaipm Describes the deepest part of a person. "Tingting insait". Lit: 'heart-liver'.
wunemp wankepm Means to feel grief or great discouragement. bel hevi. Ant wunemp wankepm yatip. We're depressed/discouraged (lit: we (have) very heavy hearts)
wunemp yawopmel forgiven? a wrong forgotten and settled. Lit: 'heart-lost'.
yikei wunempel a) remember. b) to be careful, watch out for.
wunempampulp feel compassion for. Kil aser nti ntitmaken mitinkelel i kil wunempampulp nti, apulpaser yapmunemp antuel ka mpurampuraelim, mintenk antuel karokn sukn. He saw the many people and he felt compassion for them because their hearts were completely lost, their strength was not big.

reference Farr

Used most frequently as first part of a compound (wunemp + verb) for meanings relating to mind, emotions, soul, etc. & some idioms. Can occasionally be used as a short form for "yapmunemp" but this is not too common.

yapmunemp n. Lit: 'lungs-heart'. Variant: yapmonemp. 1) refers to the mind/thoughts as well as the heart as the seat of emotions, the soul; this is where repentance takes place. Kil yimpilemp yapmunemp. He changed (his) mind. (Or: He repented) 2) thought/idea. Yapmunemp aiyiknel mi? What do you think?
aim sank ar yapmunemp lit. - put talk in the heart/mind; describes someone just thinking about something and not quickly talking to others about it.
waker yapmunemp to cause someone to do something, even against their will, like love magic can "pull" a woman; being used as key term for what Satan does to us when he tempts us to sin. (also listed under "waker"). Lit: 'bend heart/mind'.
yapmunemp akorp ntinkirai to understand clearly. Lit: 'heart/lungs breaks/is revealed clearly)'.
yapmunemp atitakorel wise Lit: 'heart/mind break-tear'
yapmunemp mintenk hope or confidence; can include a negative expectation as well; is currently being used as key term for faith. Lit: 'strong heart/lungs'. Yapmunemp apm mintenk apulp niokn moule kilelel ka apulel. My heart/mind is strong about the work that man is doing.
yapmunemp mitimitink Yanimoi dialect speaker says it means many thoughts; includes a sense of doubt with it; later Wampukuamp speaker said it (yapmonemp mitimitink) meant lots of options and not being sure what to think; perhaps both senses are included?
yapmunemp mpililel Lit: 'lit-up heart'. a) how one feels when a worry is cleared up, or when saved from a bad situation (reaction to if someone "nantip mua arkomp yikn"). b) describes a person who sees clearly what is right and what is wrong and chooses the right.
yapmunemp nimpiemp Describes a person who has difficulty learning; or does not understand the significance of what he is doing. tingting i pas, i no klia long wanem samting em i mekim. Lit: 'dark mind'.
yapmunemp nirkutupel describes someone who is irritable, easily angered or provoked to fight; but goes beyond that to include a heart that is pulled every which way with desires. Lit: 'scratchy heart/lungs'.
yapmunemp niukur afraid/startled. Lit: 'shaking heart'.

ACCEPTED Realization 73
type Polysemy
language Komi
lexeme сьöлöм
meaning 1 heart сьöлöм вуж, сьöлöм топöдöм
the heart basis, heart attack
meaning 2 soul бур сьöлöм, дойдны сьöлöм, сьöлöм сёрни, сьöлöм абу местаын, сьöлöм висьö
kind heart (soul), to hurt one's heart (soul), sincere talk, to be worried sick, one's heart bleeds for smn
comment КомиРС 622
ACCEPTED Realization 74
type Polysemy
language Kurmanji Kurdish
lexeme dil
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Cabolov: I, 307-308
ACCEPTED Realization 75
type Polysemy
language Kyaka
lexeme mona
meaning 1 heart

Kongapu mende mona dokona pisipala, ranjama neta minyuo penge.

Blood circulation through the heart (lit. vein from the heart carries the blood outside the heart) . [Traditionally no distinction was made between vein and artery.]

meaning 2 mind, intelligence

Mona dokona pepe minyilyu (or) pepe minyuo silyu.

I debate in my mind, consider, ponder deeply.

reference Draper & Draper 2002: 268-270
ACCEPTED Realization 76
type Polysemy
language Lakota
lexeme cante, cantecuta
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Buechel, Manhart 2002: 48, 467
ACCEPTED Realization 77
type Polysemy
language Lao
lexeme chai (ໃຈ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind, spirit

ching chai (ຈິງໃຈ)


reference SEAlang Lao
ACCEPTED Realization 78
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme cor
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (the seat of emotion) cor timidum ‘робкий характер’, букв. ‘робкое сердце’ (Плавт), cor plumbeum ‘чёрствость, бессердечность’, букв. ‘свинцовое сердце’ (Светоний)
ACCEPTED Realization 79
type Polysemy
language Lezgian
lexeme рикI
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference LezgRus: 185
ACCEPTED Realization 80
type Polysemy
language Ligurian
lexeme cheu
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind

vegnî in cheu

to come to mind

reference <personally collected data>

Second meaning only used in the expression in cheu

ACCEPTED Realization 81
type Polysemy
language Lingala
lexeme motéma
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 character, personality
reference <personally collected data>

Proto-Banti *mʊ̀tɪ́mà 'heart'

ACCEPTED Realization 82
type Polysemy
language Lithuanian
lexeme širdis
meaning 1 heart širdis mušimas (plakimas)
meaning 2 location of emotions visa širdisimi 'with open heart', širdis plyšta
the heart is broken
reference LRŽ: 801
ACCEPTED Realization 83
type Polysemy
language Lower Sorbian
lexeme wutšoba
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Starosta 1999

    ~u braś — Mut fassen
    ≈ jomu spadujo — er verliert den Mut
    zgubiś wšu ~u — ganz verzagen
    něco [3] ~u śišći — etw. bedrückt jmds. Herz
    [3] na ~u stupaś — jmdm. Leid antun
    do ~y pśimaś — zu Herzen gehen
    do ~y rězaś, kałaś, štapaś — jmdm. das Herz zerreißen, abdrücken
    njebyś do ~y — keine Herzensangelegenheit sein ● daran nicht gelegen sein
    něco pali [3] na ~je — etw. belastet jmdn. seelisch sehr

ACCEPTED Realization 84
type Polysemy
language Luiseño
lexeme -$uun
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Elliott 1999: 886
ACCEPTED Realization 85
type Polysemy
language Lushai
lexeme lung
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Lorrain 1940: 301-302
ACCEPTED Realization 86
type Polysemy
language Malagasy
lexeme fu
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 87
type Polysemy
language Manchu
lexeme niyaman
meaning 1 (anatomy) heart
meaning 2 heart; spirit; innermost being
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 88
type Polysemy
language Mandarin Chinese
lexeme xin
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 heart (the seat of emotion) xin li gaoxing ‘радостно в сердце’, xin li nanguo ‘в сердце печаль’, xin li weiqu ‘в сердце обида’, xin li bu ping ‘ощущение несправедливости в сердце’, xin luan ru ma ‘сердце спутано, как нити конопли’ (о сильном волнении)
comment The hieroglyphs, denoting feelings and moral qualities often contain the determinant of ‘heart’.
ACCEPTED Realization 89
type Polysemy
language Manggarai
lexeme pucu
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference ACD
ACCEPTED Realization 90
type Polysemy
language Manipuri (Meitei)
lexeme thammoi (ꯊꯝꯃꯣꯏ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Sharma 2006: 86
ACCEPTED Realization 91
type Polysemy
language Maori
lexeme manawa
meaning 1 heart

Kāore i takitaro e tū ana ka neke whakamuri tētahi o ngā waewae, kātahi ka maranga te ringa, ko te ākinga iho, ngangengange noa te manawa o tōna tāne i te naihi e mau ana i tōna ringa.

She didn't stand there long before she moved one leg backwards, then raised her hand and thrust it down piercing the heart of her husband with the knife she held in her hand.

meaning 2 heart (seat of affections)

Ka pā te aroha ki te ngākau; ka hotu te manawa

 I'm affected by concern and my heart sobs.

reference MD
ACCEPTED Realization 92
type Polysemy
language Maxakalí
lexeme tuxa
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Popovich A.H., Popovich F.B. Maxakalí-English dictionary; English-Maxakalí glossary Cuiabá, MT: Sociedade Internacional de Lingüística, 2005 21-22

kuxa ka vt. to pity, to be merciful
Ha Topa kuxa ka. And God had mercy.
kuxa ka'ok vi. to be willful, stubborn
Xik kuxa ka'ok. Frank is stubborn.
kuxa tuknõg vi. to be discouraged, depressed
Elza kuxa tuknõg. Elza was depressed

kuxa xok vi. to grieve
Manix kuxa xok, :y9pxox xok ha. Mary grieved over her husband's

ACCEPTED Realization 93
type Polysemy
language Meadow Mari
lexeme шӱм
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

А кочо ой шӱмеш шунда, а вачым неле кӱ темда (Альбертина Иванова) And bitter thoughts settle on the heart, and a heavy stone presses on the shoulders.
Тидым шарналтымеке, Эрпатырын шӱмыштыжӧ тушман деч утлаш ӱшан ылыж кайыш. (Ким Васин) Remembering this, the hope of saving himself from the enemy burned in Erpatyr’s heart.

reference Marij jylme muter
ACCEPTED Realization 94
type Polysemy
language Mingrelian
lexeme guri (გური)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 sense, perception
reference <personally collected data>

Kajaia, Otar (2005), Megrul-kartuli leksiḳoni [Mingrelian–Georgian Dictionary], online version prepared by Joost Gippert, Frankfurt am Main, published 2001–2004, page 338 https://archive.org/stream/kajaia#page/n337/mode/1up

ACCEPTED Realization 95
type Polysemy
language Modern Greek
lexeme καρδιά
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference DSMG
ACCEPTED Realization 96
type Polysemy
language Moksha
lexeme седи
meaning 1 heart

Цёранясь норгозе катоть кядьста ёмла пзьгатанять и путозе кядьлапшезонза, а нармоннять седиец стане шавсь, мярьгат, вов-вов комоти мяштьстонза ( Я. Пинясов, Пацят)

The boy took the little swallow from the cat and put it in his palm, and the bird’s heart was pounding so hard it was about to jump out of its chest.

meaning 2 location of emotions

Хоть сонь цебярь поступкац аф оцю, но корхтай ламонь колга: Саша Тумкинонь лямбе седиец, сон ули афкуксонь ломанькс ( М. Имяреков, Васёк)

Although his noble deed is not so great, it speaks volumes: Sasha Tumkin has a kind heart, he will be a real human.

reference Serebrennikov et al. 1998
ACCEPTED Realization 97
type Polysemy
language Nahuatl
lexeme yoli
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Karttunen Frances. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl University Of Oklahoma Press 1992 342

ACCEPTED Realization 98
type Polysemy
language Nanai
lexeme миаван
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

 миаван ана̄

heartless, emotionless

reference Onenko 1989
ACCEPTED Realization 99
type Polysemy
language Nez Perce (Nimipuutímt)
lexeme timíne
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind
reference Aoki 1994: 747

tirnine ha-niya. He made up his mind.
tirnine ^ewni-se. I am in love with her: “I give her my heart.”
tirnnehi-n sane, thoughtful: “with heart”
tirhné*nut brainless, without understanding

ACCEPTED Realization 100
type Polysemy
language Ngardi
lexeme tuku-tuku, ruku-ruku
meaning 1 heart, lungs
meaning 2 location of emotions

Waku mayi kal-pinya kaninyjarra ruku-rukuyi

No, it has been working for a long time in my heart.

reference Cataldi 2011: 299
ACCEPTED Realization 101
type Polysemy
language Northern Haida
lexeme k'úug
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Lachler 2010: 216

Húutl'daas ýánjuwaay aa díi k'úug ça'áang. I don't have the heart to let those folks go. ·Gám daláng aa k'úug skúnaa is'ánggang. You folks do not have clean hearts. ·Áatl'daas k'úug skúnaang. These people hearts are clean.

ACCEPTED Realization 102
type Polysemy
language Norwegian
lexeme hjerte
meaning 1 heart kula traff midt i hjertet
the bullet hit his heart
meaning 2 location of emotions elske en av hele sitt hjerte
to love someone with all one’s heart
reference BO
ACCEPTED Realization 103
type Polysemy
language Ojibwe
lexeme de
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Baraga 1853: 99, 101
ACCEPTED Realization 104
type Polysemy
language Ottoman Turkish
lexeme dil (دل)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind or feeling of man
reference Redhouse 1890: 910
ACCEPTED Realization 105
type Polysemy
language Pela (Bolo)
lexeme na̠k⁵⁵
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Dai Qingxia 2007

For "heart" (the organ of body) the compound na̠k⁵⁵ lam³¹ is used. The native na̠k⁵⁵ can refer to both the heart (the organ of body) and mind/character. However, when referring to the latter usage, the Jinghpo loanword mjɔt³¹ (<myit (“mind; think”)) is more frequently used in idioms. Derived terms:  na̠k⁵⁵ ja⁵¹ nau⁵⁵ ("get angry"), na̠k⁵⁵ ja⁵⁵ ("swear; blame"), na̠k⁵⁵ lam³¹ ("heart"), na̠k⁵⁵ mjɔn³¹ ("sympathise; pity"), na̠k⁵⁵ naʔ⁵⁵ pju⁵⁵ ("enemy"), na̠k⁵⁵ pa⁵⁵ su⁵⁵ ("leader"), na̠k⁵⁵ tʃam⁵¹ ja⁵¹ ("get angry").

From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *s/k-niŋ (“brain, heart, mind”). Cognate with Burmese နှလုံး (hna.lum:, “heart”), Tibetan སྙིང (snying, “heart”), Old Chinese 仁 (OC *njin), Manipuri ꯄꯨꯛꯅꯤꯡ (pukning, “heart; mind”), Tangut ???? (/*¹nji̠j/, “heart; mind”) and Japhug tɯsni (“heart; mind

ACCEPTED Realization 106
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme serce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 107
type Polysemy
language Portuguese
lexeme coração
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 emotions
reference DPLP
ACCEPTED Realization 108
type Polysemy
language Punjabi
lexeme dil (ਦਿਲ, دِل‎)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 (figuratively) soul; spirit, valor
reference Singh 1895
ACCEPTED Realization 109
type Polysemy
language Quechua
lexeme sonqo
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua. Diccionario Español-Quechua, Quechua-Español. Cusco. 2005 577

ACCEPTED Realization 110
type Semantic evolution
language 1 Romanian
language 2 Latin
lexeme 1 inimă
lexeme 2 anima
meaning 1 heart; (figurative, popular) soul
meaning 2 soul
reference DER MDA2
comment Glare 132, DEX98, DRRS 1, 1025-1026, DER 426
ACCEPTED Realization 111
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme сердце (serdce)
meaning 1 heart операция на сердце, по венам кровь течет к сердцу
heart surgery, blood in veins flows to the heart
meaning 2 psychological heart сердцем чувствую, что он жив; в ее сердце зародилась надежда, сердце переполняла радость
I have a gut feeling that he is alive; there was a germ of hope in his heart; the heart was filled with joy
comment Урысон 2003, 21-27
ACCEPTED Realization 112
type Polysemy
language Rutul
lexeme йикI / jik'
meaning 1 heart

йикIид гьуIзуьр / jik'id huˤzür

a heart disease

meaning 2 location of emotions

йикI гьудхьури / jik' hudxuri 'to have suffered' (lit. 'heart has burned);

йикI един / jik' jedin ' to worry' (lit. 'heart aches);

йикI лийчин / jik' lijčin 'to be happy for smth'

reference Alisultanov, Sulejmanova 2019: 166 Alisultanov, Sulejmanova 2019: 109
ACCEPTED Realization 113
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme hṛ́daya (हृदय)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 soul, mind, spirit (as the seat of mental operations)

वि मे कर्णा पतयतो वि चक्षुर्वीदं ज्योतिर्हृदय आहितं यत्।
वि मे मनश्चरति दूरआधीः किं स्विद्वक्ष्यामि किमु नू मनिष्ये॥

    vi me karṇā patayato vi cakṣurvīdaṃ jyotirhṛdaya āhitaṃ yat.
    vi me manaścarati dūraādhīḥ kiṃ svidvakṣyāmi kimu nū maniṣye.

RV 6.9.6b

Mine ears unclose to hear, mine eye to see him; the light that harbours in my spirit broadens.
Far roams my mind whose thoughts are in the distance. What shall I speak, what shall I now imagine?

reference MW
ACCEPTED Realization 114
type Polysemy
language Serbian
lexeme срце (srce)
meaning 1 heart срце правилно куца, болести срца
the heart beats properly, heart diseases
meaning 2 location of emotions срце ми се цепа, бити доброг срца, бити злог срца, бити тврда срца
my heart is breaking, to be kind-hearted, to be evil-hearted, to have a heart of stone
reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 1263
ACCEPTED Realization 115
type Polysemy
language Shan
lexeme tsǎue (ၸႂ်)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind; feeling
reference SEAlang Shan
ACCEPTED Realization 116
type Polysemy
language Shipibo-Conibo
lexeme tecá
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

Heen  tecapan  tah hen yohuanai.

Les cuento esto con todo el corazón.

reference <personally collected data>

Loos E., Loos B. Diccionario capanahua-castellano Lima: Instituto lingüistico de verano, 2003 346

ACCEPTED Realization 117
type Polysemy
language Shipibo-Conibo
lexeme jointi
meaning 1 heart

Jahuen  jointi  ta teehihquiqui.

El corazón está latiendo.

meaning 2 location of emotions

jointi machexehti

desasosegarse; desanimarse, desalentarse

reference <personally collected data>

Loos E., Loos B. Diccionario capanahua-castellano Lima: Instituto lingüistico de verano, 2003 189

ACCEPTED Realization 118
type Polysemy
language Silesian
lexeme serce
meaning 1 heart

1976, Brunon Strzałka, Bojki i Godki Śląskie

Dzisio jak ujrzicie wewiōrkam, liszkam abo zajōnca to wōm serce dyrgoce, że dziwokiego zwierza widzicie

meaning 2 location of emotions

1967, Walenty Dobrzyński, Gwary powiatu niemodlińskiego

Tyn Ślōnzŏk padŏ: jŏ tajkich wozōw, na taki ladōng niy mōm, ale jŏ go projsiōł ze serca, iżby mi z biydy pōmōg.

1920, Kocynder

A jak teroz we wilijo miłe dziouszki puszczać bydziecie na woda listki z merty, to pamiętejcie, iże Fyrtok mo dobre serce, jak kożdy chłop, i życzy wom jeszcze dalej, nie jeno weseliska, ale żeby co rok był prorok.

reference SileSłownik
ACCEPTED Realization 119
type Polysemy
language Slovak
lexeme srdce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference KSSJ
ACCEPTED Realization 120
type Polysemy
language Slovenian
lexeme srce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference SSKJ2
ACCEPTED Realization 121
type Polysemy
language Somali
lexeme qalbi(-ga)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Alejnikov 2012: 258
ACCEPTED Realization 122
type Polysemy
language Sorani Kurdish
lexeme dil, dir, zir
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Cabolov: I, 307-308
ACCEPTED Realization 123
type Polysemy
language Soteapanec (Sierra Popoluca)
lexeme a̲namaj
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Elson, Gutiérrez 1999: 4
ACCEPTED Realization 124
type Polysemy
language Spanish
lexeme corazón
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 emotions, kindness, spirit
reference DRAE
ACCEPTED Realization 125
type Polysemy
language Standard Zhuang
lexeme sim
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 126
type Polysemy
language Swedish
lexeme hjärta
meaning 1 heart han har svagt hjärta
he has a weak heart
meaning 2 location of emotions han har ett gott hjärta; hennes tack kom verkligen från hjärtat
he has a good heart; her gratitude was really whole-hearted
reference SAO
ACCEPTED Realization 127
type Polysemy
language Tahitian
lexeme māfatu
meaning 1 cœur
meaning 2 coeur (siège des sentiments)
comment The second meaning is marked as new [Lemaître 1995,67]
ACCEPTED Realization 128
type Polysemy
language Tai Dam (Black Tai)
lexeme chaư
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind; feeling
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 129
type Polysemy
language Tai Lue
lexeme ṫsay (ᦺᦈ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 130
type Polysemy
language Tai Nuea (Dehong)
lexeme tsaue (ᥓᥬ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind; feeling
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 131
type Polysemy
language Tai Phake
lexeme caü (ꩡ︀ၞ်)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind; spirit
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 132
type Polysemy
language Tajiki
lexeme дил
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Raximi, Uspenskaja 1954: 129-130
ACCEPTED Realization 133
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme ākam
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind
reference Tamil lexicon: 203
ACCEPTED Realization 134
type Polysemy
language Tatar
lexeme йөрәк
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Asylgaraev, Ganiev et al. (eds.) 2007: 1, 494-495
ACCEPTED Realization 135
type Borrowing
language 1 Texistepec
language 2 Spanish
lexeme 1 a̲nima
lexeme 2 anima
meaning 1 heart

Pʉcpa tʉn-a̲nima

my heart aches

meaning 2 soul
reference <personally collected data>

Clark L. Diccionario popoluca de Oluta. Popoluca - español, español — popoluca Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 1981 3

ACCEPTED Realization 136
type Polysemy
language Texistepec
lexeme jutucotʉ
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

Clark L. Diccionario popoluca de Oluta. Popoluca - español, español — popoluca Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 1981 15

ACCEPTED Realization 137
type Polysemy
language Thai
lexeme jai (ใจ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind; spirit
reference SEAlang Thai
ACCEPTED Realization 138
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme ləbbi
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference TED: 99
ACCEPTED Realization 139
type Polysemy
language Tindi
lexeme ракӀва
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Magomedova 2003: 286=287
ACCEPTED Realization 140
type Polysemy
language Tocharian A
lexeme āriñc
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 141
type Polysemy
language Tocharian B
lexeme arañce
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 seat of emotions
reference Adams 2013: 23
ACCEPTED Realization 142
type Polysemy
language Totontepec Mixe
lexeme ja'vin
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 spirit, soul
reference Schoenhals & Schoenhals 1965: 38
ACCEPTED Realization 143
type Polysemy
language Tsakhur
lexeme йикI
meaning 1 heart

Йизын йикI ыкIар

I have a heartache

meaning 2 mind; spirit

Гъу йизди йикIел ворна

I remember you (You are in my heart)

reference <personally collected data>

Ибрагимов Г.Х., Нурмамедов Ю.М. Цахурско-русский словарь. Махачкала, 2010

ACCEPTED Realization 144
type Polysemy
language Tucano
lexeme ehêri põ’ra
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Ramirez 2019: 47
ACCEPTED Realization 145
type Polysemy
language Tundra Yukaghir
lexeme сугудьэ(ҥ)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

Таҥ эньиэпэги моннушги: «Мит көдэҕа- нэ мэ йугулвэсҥа, мэт сугудьэ энгэнэ йуоч.

Нэмэн нондэйрукунэ, йуолвэличэрукунэ йуолвийуораар маархуонь уон сугудьэ ньаарчэрукунэ тудуруун эл амудьиинаат

лабунмэ сугудэньи

Their mother said: “They are torturing our man [i.e. compatriot], my heart hurts a lot”

Only by beginning to feel pity for something weak, pitiful, the child's heart will deeply despise the bad.

to be cowardly (lit.: to have the heart of a partridge)

reference Kurilov 2001: 106, 137, 185, 444
ACCEPTED Realization 146
type Polysemy
language Tunebo (Uwa)
lexeme urá
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 mind
reference Headland 1997: 213-214
ACCEPTED Realization 147
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme kalp
meaning 1 heart kalp sesleri 'шумы в сердце'
cardiac murmur
meaning 2 heart, soul (fig.) kalpten ‘от всего сердца’, kalbini açmak ‘раскрывать тайну сердца’, onda kalp denen şey yok ‘у него нет сердца’
ACCEPTED Realization 148
type Polysemy
language Tutelo
lexeme yąti
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

‘love’ < yąti ‘heart’ + ostéka ‘good’

Rankin R., Carter, R., Jones A., Koontz J., Rood D., Hartmann I. Comparative Siouan Dictionary Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. 2015 414

ACCEPTED Realization 149
type Polysemy
language Tuvan
lexeme чүрек
meaning 1 heart

чүрек согуушкуну


meaning 2 location of emotions

чүрээн тудар овладеть

to win someone's heart

reference Tenišev 2008
ACCEPTED Realization 150
type Polysemy
language Ubykh
lexeme gʲə
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions

səgʲə mačʼ ― I feel bad (lit. 'My heart is small')
səgʲə čən ― I'm bored

reference Vogt 1963: 123 Fenwick 2011: 208

ACCEPTED Realization 151
type Polysemy
language Udmurt
lexeme сюлэм
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Kirillova 2008
ACCEPTED Realization 152
type Polysemy
language Ukrainian
lexeme серце
meaning 1 heart

Є у фізіології таке поняття — ударний об'єм серця. Під цим терміном розуміють кількість крові, яку викидає серце в аорту за одне скорочення (Знання та праця, 12, 1966, 4)

meaning 2 location of emotions

Знову невдоволення ворухнулось у серці, але на цей раз — не так на себе самого, як на Діденка (Андрій Головко, II, 1957, 525); Козаков не раз переконувався, що Павчине серце справді володів дивною властивістю — вгадувати на відстані біду чи щастя полку (Олесь Гончар, III, 1959, 436); Вами свідчуся, люди добрі, що отсей Мошко.. показав мені в моїй біді більше серця, більше приятельства, ніж моя власна кров (Іван Франко, IV, 1950, 407); — Пани.., а душі людської, серця в них немає! Їм, коли простий чоловік, то все одно, що тварюка... (Панас Мирний, I, 1949, 319)

reference SUM-11: 9, 141
ACCEPTED Realization 153
type Polysemy
language Urdu
lexeme dil (دِل)
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 (figuratively) mind
reference <personally collected data>

Rekhta Dictionary https://rekhtadictionary.com/search?keyword=%D8%AF%D9%84

ACCEPTED Realization 154
type Polysemy
language Ventureño
lexeme poš
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Henry-Rodriguez 2019: 292

tswaya ʼišpoš ‘he is happy.’ tswaya hešikpoš ‘I am happy.’ neʼeswəy hešikpoš ‘I am thinking and at last the thought changes.’ tswəywəy hešikpoš ‘I keep changing my mind, thinking here and there.’ tšnuxit̓isi loʼišpoš ‘it is sad at heart.’ muštšum hešikpoš ‘I am sad’ (lit., ‘my heart is no good’). muštšum šikpoš ‘my heart is sad.’ mušwašətš ʼišpoš ‘his heart is not good’ (said of a man who is worrying or thinking all the time). tsʰiliyəwyəw hešikpoš ‘my heart is sad.’ heʼišipošpoʼoš sikukuʼu ʼan tsisiliyəwyəw ‘the people’s hearts are sad.’ ʼałʼalušumi, wašətš ʼišpoš ‘he is hospitable.’ lokapoš ʼan tskumu ʼismaʼam ‘my heart has four hollow places.’ tsi̓ p heʼišpoš lahukaqpalamaywu k̓uwe mukiyušʰošitšəši ‘he thought he was smarter than we were but we did not leave him.’

ACCEPTED Realization 155
type Polysemy
language Veps
lexeme heŋǵ
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Zajceva, Mullonen 1972: 114
comment Also 'human soul' > 'person' > 'living being'.
ACCEPTED Realization 156
type Polysemy
language Wanano (Guanano, Piratapuyo)
lexeme yajeripohna
meaning 1 heart

yajeripohna ñuhmina

tener pulso

meaning 2 location of emotions

noano yajeripohna tira

1 ser cariñoso, cariñosa; 2 estar feliz

reference Waltz et al. 2007: 319-320
ACCEPTED Realization 157
type Derivation
language Wintu
lexeme 1 phur
lexeme 2 phurus
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference Schlichter 1981: 179-180

Pitkin Harvey. Wintu Dictionary Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985; 456-457

coward = narrow of heart

ACCEPTED Realization 158
type Polysemy
language Yakut
lexeme сүрэх
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference SakhaTyla.Ru
ACCEPTED Realization 159
type Polysemy
language Yoruba
lexeme ọkàn
meaning 1 physical heart

Ọkàn rẹ̀ ń lù pupuupu.

Her heart was beating very quickly.

meaning 2 mind, psychological heart

Mo ní in lọ́kàn pé mo máa lọ sí Ìbàdàn láti rí ọ̀rẹ́ mi.

I had it in mind that I would go to Ibadan to see my friend.

reference <personally collected data>

Awoyale, Yiwola (December 19, 2008) Global Yoruba Lexical Database v. 1.0‎[5], issue LDC2008L03, Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2008L03

Michika, Sachnine (1997) Dictionnaire usuel yorùbá-français suivi d'un index français-yorùbá, Ibadan, Nigeria: Éditions Karthala and IFRA-Ibadan, →ISBN, page 220

ACCEPTED Realization 160
type Polysemy
language Zulu
lexeme ínhlizíyo
meaning 1 heart
meaning 2 location of emotions
reference <personally collected data>

C. M. Doke; B. W. Vilakazi (1972) Zulu-English Dictionar