#1274 to wet, moisten to drink 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language French
lexeme 1 mouiller
lexeme 2 se mouiller
meaning 1 to moisten, to wet pavés que la pluie a mouillés
the pavements moistened by the rain
meaning 2 to get drunk
reference CNRTL
comment The meaning 'to get drunk' is obsolete.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Cognates
language 1 Serbian
language 2 Russian
lexeme 1 квасити (kvasiti)
lexeme 2 квасить (kvasit’)
meaning 1 to wet, moisten квасити руке водом, квасити рубље
wet hands with water, wet laundry
meaning 2 to drink В обеденный перерыв Саша посещал дешевую столовую, где выпивал 100 -150 граммов водки, вечером, по возвращении домой, квасил на кухне со своим соседом, алкоголиком Славой... (В. Спектр, Face control)
During lunch break Sasha went to a cheap canteen where he drank 100 -150 grams of vodka, in the evening when he came back home he boozed with his neighbour, alcoholic Slava, in the kitchen (V. Spektr, Face control)
reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 530 ESSJa: 13: 152

Also in Croatian kvasiti - 'to wet, moisten': "kvasiti platno" [HJP] - 'to wet the cloth'