to drink to smoke (tobacco) 12 realizations
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Adyghe
Lexeme ешъон
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)
Reference Txarkaxo 1991: 83
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Burmese
Lexeme т̣ау'
Meaning 1 to drink, to eat soup
Meaning 2 to smoke
Comment Novikov et al. 1976, 558
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Indonesian
Lexeme minum
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke, inhale (opium, cigarettes etc.) minum apiun
to inhale opium
Reference Большой индонезийско-русский словарь: vol. II, 40
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Japanese
Lexeme nomu (飲む)
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)
Reference BJaRS
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Karaim
Lexeme иц-
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke
Comment КРПС 210.
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Cognates
Language 1 Mehri
Language 2 Soqotri
Lexeme 1 təḳ
Lexeme 2 téḳi
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke
Reference Kogan 2015: 586
Comment Both cognates are historically reflexives derived from Proto-Semitic *šḳy ‘to give to drink, to water’.
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Modern Greek
Lexeme πίνω
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke πίνω ϰαπνόν, πίνω τσιγάρο
to smoke tobacco, to smoke a cigar
Comment Хориков, Малев 627
ACCEPTED Realization 8
Type Polysemy
Language Nivkh
Lexeme радь
Meaning 1 to drink урумк ньламиух неник радь
to drink half a glass
Meaning 2 to smoke
Reference Savel'eva, Taksami 1970: 303
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme a bea
Meaning 1 to drink a bea un pahar de suc
to drink a glass of juice
Meaning 2 to smoke a bea tutun
to smoke tobacco
Reference DEX98
Comment The second meaning is colloquial
SUSPENDED Realization 10
Type Cognates
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 kirjat'
Lexeme 2 kurit'
Meaning 1 to drink vodka Взяли коньяку, бутербродов. Я ангажировал Милку косоглазую из "Витязя"... Едем, бля, на пленэр. Киряем, отмечаемся.(С. Довлатов, Заповедник)
We took some cognac and sandwiches. I invited squint eyed Milka from the "Vityaz"...
Meaning 2 to smoke

According to Трубачев (ЭССЯ 13: 268, the Slavic verb, represented in the Rus. кирять and Pol. kirzyć, are related with the verb *kuriti which shows in regular alternations. In both languages the verb has been preserved in the thief's argot.

Эта гипотеза Трубачева, на которой он сам не настаивает: (, не очень убедительная. Значение smoke tabacco у рус. курить - производное (от "дымить"). На том этапе этапе, к которому возводится родство (праславянском), его очевидно не было. Да и чередование i/u тоже сомнительное. Я бы эту реализацию как минимум подвесила. (АЗ)

ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Tigre
Lexeme satā
Meaning 1 to drink
Meaning 2 to smoke ʔabuye səğārat satte həllā
My father is smoking a cigar
Reference WTS: 185 <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Turkish
Lexeme iç-
Meaning 1 to drink

çay içmek

to drink tea

Meaning 2 to smoke (tobacco)

sigara içmek

to smoke cigars

Reference Baskakov 1977: 428