to strew rash, eruption 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 sypat'
lexeme 2 syp'
meaning 1 to scatter Сыпать хлеб в закром, песок на пол.
To pour corn in the garner, to pour sand on the floor
meaning 2 rash
comment Cf. сыпуха 'сыпь (rashes)'.
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Tabassaran
lexeme adabxub // adaxub
meaning 1 to get enough sleep чувлиан дукI адабхьну
the grain trickled out of the sack
meaning 2 to skin out кIвантIариз адабхьуб
lips came out in a rash
comment (TabRus 49)