to reach can, to be able 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Soqotri
lexeme éraḥ
meaning 1 to reach tóʔo éreḥ ʕamḳ di-ʔórem kse máʕabhor be-ʕamḳ di-rázde (CSOL I 88-89)

When they reached the middle of the way, they found a few boulders in the middle of the road.

meaning 2 can, to be able aḷ yeʔóreḥ senfáḥan ḳéyhon kor yéfrer (Naumkin et al. 2013:79)

Small chicks are unable to fly.

reference CSOL I: 476
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Tabassaran
lexeme dubq’ub
meaning 1 to attain, to reach дагъдин кIакIназ дуркьуб
to reach the peak
meaning 2 to be able to do smth думу ляхин узхьан дубкьуру
I can do this work.
comment (TabRus 150)