warp basis 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Komi
Lexeme панас
Meaning 1 warp
Meaning 2 base, foundation тайö панас вылын; ремеслö панасъясö велавны
on this basis…, to master the foundations of the craft
Comment КомиРС 478. Possibly a semantic map from Russian.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme osnova
Meaning 1 warp нити основы перпендикулярны нитям утка
Warp threads are orthogonal to the weft thread
Meaning 2 base, foundation Правильный режим дня - основа здорового образа жизни
The right day regimen is the basis of a health lifestyle
Comment cf. сновать "to make the warp - parallel threads in the fabrics, where the shoot lies upon".
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Sanskrit
Lexeme tántra
Meaning 1 warp
Meaning 2 base, essense
Reference MW
Comment MW 436 Later also the meanings of ‘order, rule’, ‘rules and regulations (of a doctrine)’, ‘government mechanism’, ‘incantation’, then the word tántra was used in the names of religious writings, then for various doctrines and practices. Кочергина 234, Журавлев 2005, 805-806, Елизаренкова Т. Я., Топоров В. Н. Мир вещей по данным Ригведы // Ригведа. Мандалы V-VIII. М. 1999. с. 522