to reach to become ready (of food) 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme ʔadraka
meaning 1 to reach, to catch up, to overtake mašaytu ḥattā´ ʔadraktuhu
I walked until I caught up with him
meaning 2 to reach necessary state (wine) ʔadrakat-i l-ḫamr-u
wine is mature
comment Lane 873
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Polish
lexeme dojść
meaning 1 to come ("find yourself in a certain place while going"; "by moving in its own way, reach some point in space") dojść do domu, do kościoła, do szkoły
to come home, church, school
meaning 2 to become ready (of food) ("(dish) achieve a state that allows it to be used in a certain way by humans") Wstawiamy do piekarnika (temperatura zbliżona do 180°C) i pieczemy do chwili, kiedy do naszego nosa zaczną dochodzić bardzo przyjemne aromaty, czyli coś około pół godziny. Oczywiście sprawdzamy, czy ryba już doszła, bo czas pieczenia zależy tu w dużej mierze od grubości filetów. NKJP: Anna Drozd: Szybkie potrawy dla głodomorów,, 2006-06
Put in the oven (temperature close to 180 ° C) and bake until very pleasant aromas begin to reach our nose, which is about half an hour. Of course, we check whether the fish has arrived, because the baking time depends largely on the thickness of the fillets.
reference WSJP
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme дойти
meaning 1 to come to, to arrive at, to reach
meaning 2 (colloquial) to reach full readiness (about what is being cooked, baked, etc.) Пирог дошёл. Каша дошла.
reference BTS
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme bäṣḥe
meaning 1 to come, to reach ʔab ḳədmi ḥaṣe məs bäṣḥu
when they came to the emperor
meaning 2 to become ready (dough, mead)
comment KT 1212.