#1812 to follow, go after smb. to result in 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Burmese
lexeme laiʔ
meaning 1 to follow
meaning 2 to ensue from; happen as a result of some action
reference SEAlang Burmrse
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Classical Arabic
lexeme 1 ʕaḳaba
lexeme 2 ʕāḳibat-
meaning 1 ‘to follow, come after’ ʕaḳabahu;ʕaḳabū min ḫilf-i-nā
‘he came after him’;‘they came after us’
meaning 2 ‘the end, latter part; consequence, result, issue’
comment Lane 2099-2100
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 следовать (sledovat')
lexeme 2 последствия (posledstvija)
meaning 1 to go after smb.
meaning 2 aftermath, consequences Он не мог предвидеть все последствия своих действий
He could not foresee all the consequences of his actions.
reference <personally collected data>