to bind dense, thick (liquid) 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language Classical Arabic
lexeme 1 ʕaḳada
lexeme 2 ʕaḳada, ʕaḳida
meaning 1 to tie ʕaḳada l-ḥabl-a
he tied the cord
meaning 2 to be thick (honey, fig juice, etc.)
reference Lane: 2105
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 вязать (vjazat')
lexeme 2 вязкий (vjazkij)
meaning 1 to tie, to bind вязать узлы
to make nods
meaning 2 sticky вязкая жижа
viscous sluch
reference BAS: 2, 1346-1351
comment Also verbs увязнуть, завязнуть (в болоте); вяжущее средство.