#2057 door manner, way 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme bāb-
meaning 1 a door; a gate; a place of entrance bāb-u d-dār-i 'the door of the house'
meaning 2 a means of access; an expedient, a trick, a stratagem ̣ʔabwāb-u l-ḥarb-i 'the expedients of war'
comment Lane 272-273; cf. also bābat- 'a mode, or manner' (ibid.) (derived from bāb-)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Swahili
lexeme mlango
meaning 1 door
meaning 2 way, access, method
comment Polikanov