root (of a plant) lower part 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme sər
Meaning 1 root sər maš 'sorcere who uses roots of various plants in his sorcery'
Meaning 2 bottom, under, beneath, at the foot of (prep.) yangät sər 'base of the neck'; əsər 'below, at the foot of'
Comment (K 482).
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme 1 ̣ʔaṣl-
Lexeme 2 ʔaṣl-
Meaning 1 root
Meaning 2 the lowest part ḳaʕada fī ʔaṣl-i l-ḥāʔiṭ-i 'he sat at at the lowest part of the wall'; ḳaʕada fī ʔaṣl-i l-ğabal-i 'he sat at the lowest part of the mountain'
Comment (Lane 64).