to feel pity to love 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Syriac
Lexeme 1 raḥem
Lexeme 2 rəḥem
Meaning 1 to have mercy upon
Meaning 2 to love rəḥam lǝḥaḇrāḵ ʔaḵ nap̲šāḵ
love thy neighbor as thyself
Reference Payne Smith: 537
Comment The source meaning is that of A (cf. Arb. rḥm 'to feel pity' BK 1:838, Lane 1055-56 etc.). Cf. Wierzbicka 1999: 293: Ifaluk fago "love/sadness/compassion", Rus. zhalost' "loving compassion".