pure frank 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme ṣarīḥ-
meaning 1 'pure, sheer, free from admixture'' laban-un ṣarīḥ-un
clear milk (without skin on it)
meaning 2 'genuine, clear (word, speech etc.)' ḳawl-un ṣarīḥ-un
('a saying that is explicit, clear, not requiring anything to be conceived in the mind')
comment Lane 1675; cf. Also Modern Standard Arabic: ṣarīḥ- 'pure, uncontaminated; open, frank, sincere, candid' (Wehr 596)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Turkish
lexeme halis
meaning 1 pure, unblended, without a mixture
meaning 2 frank, open-hearted, honest
reference Baskakov 1977: 379