#2613 common, shared to inform, let know 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Cognates
language 1 Geez
language 2 Classical Arabic
lexeme 1 ḫabara
lexeme 2 ḫabbara
meaning 1 ‘be connected (with), be associated (with)’ (LGz. 256)
meaning 2 to inform
comment The comparison is not accepted by all researchers. (cf. LGz. 256-257)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language German
lexeme mitteilen
meaning 1 to share Denn so wie wir den anderen ... reichlich von unseren Glücksgütern mitgeteilt haben...
Because as we have generously shared our wealth with others...
meaning 2 to inform sie teilten uns den Tod unseres Freundes mit
They told us about the death of our friend
NEW Realization 3
type Derivation
language Latin
lexeme 1 communis
lexeme 2 communico
meaning 1 common, shared

communis causa

common cause

meaning 2 to inform, let know

communicare consilium com aliquo

to inform smb. about one's plan (lit. " to make one's plan common with smb.")

reference Dvoreckij 1976: 213

Эта модель семантической деривации присутствует также в романских языках (ср. фр. commun и communiquer) и в английском

ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 общий (obščij)
lexeme 2 сообщать (soobščat')
meaning 1 common общий дом
common house
meaning 2 to communicate Он мне сообщил, что приедет завтра
He informed me that he was going to come the next day.