to mix, stir to make disordered 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme sawwaṭa
meaning 1 to mix sawwaṭa l-harīsat-a 

He stirred about the food called harisa with a piece of wood, in order that it might become mixed.

meaning 2 to make confused, disordered, perplexed sawwaṭa fulān-un ʔumūr-a-hu 

Such a one rendered his affairs confused, disordered.

reference Lane: 1466-1467
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Latin
lexeme turbo, turbare
meaning 1 to mix, stir
meaning 2 to make disordered
reference Lewis, Short
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Derivation
language Russian
lexeme 1 мешать
lexeme 2 смешаться
meaning 1 to mix, stir
meaning 2 to make disordered

Ряды смешались. Роты смешались. Эскадрон смешался. Мысли смешались. События и даты смешались в чьей-л. памяти. Листы рукописи смешались.

Всё смешалось в доме Облонских (Л. Толстой).

reference BTS
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Polysemy
language Tigrinya
lexeme zärägä
meaning 1 to make liquids turbid, to stir up the dregs (of a beverage=, to make muddy, dirty may zärägä 

to make the water turbid

meaning 2 to confuse, deceive s.o. with ambiguous wordsö to disrupt, to disconcertt; to disarrange, derange, to dissipate, to mess, muddle ʔəḥəḥ ʔilu näti ṣaṭṭəta zärigo’mmo 

Since he disturbed the silence by saying, "Hem!"...

reference TED: 1980