to swim to strike, hit 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Karakhanid Uighur
lexeme җаб-
meaning 1 to swim ар сувдā җабдӣ
a person was swimming in the water
meaning 2 to strike җумақ тат буйнин җабдӣ, ул атнӣ җибиқ бирлā җабдӣ
The moslem hit the unfaithful on the neck, he flipped the horse with a twig
comment МК 3246, also җабин- МК 3712
NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Karakhanid Uighur
lexeme йуз-
meaning 1 to swim ар сувдā йуздӣ
a person was swimming in the water
meaning 2 to slaughter an animal ар туґум йуздӣ
a man killed an animal and flayed it
comment МК 4930