lion (Panthera leo) animal 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Cognates
language 1 Ancient Hebrew
language 2 Geez
lexeme 1 ʔaryẽ, ʔărī
lexeme 2 ʔarwe
meaning 1 lion
meaning 2 animal, wild animal, beast
reference HALOT: 87 CDG: 40 LLA: 743
comment The Proto-Semitic term *ʔarway- is reconstructed with the meaning 'wild beast; lion' (SED II No. 17).
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Cognates
language 1 Classical Arabic
language 2 Akkadian
lexeme 1 hawwām-
lexeme 2 umāmu (emammu, emāmu)
meaning 1 lion
meaning 2 animals (Tiere, Getier)
reference SED II: No. 93 BK: II 1460 AHw.: 1412