empty free of charge 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Rutul
lexeme кьаIп-кьаIрды
meaning 1 empty
meaning 2 free of charge
reference Alisultanov, Sulejmanova 2019: 218
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Derivation
language Tigrinya
lexeme 1 ṭəraḥ
lexeme 2 bə-ṭəraḥu
meaning 1 'empty' (esp. with possessive suffixed pronouns ʔab ṭəraḥu gäza
'in an empty house'
meaning 2 'free, gratis, freely'
comment KT 2424 (there is also the meaning of 'only, solely, alone'); there is a possible variant ṭərayu 'empty, void, devoid, vacant, blank'; bə-ṭərayu 'freely, gratis' (KT 2435)