to rest unit of length 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Derivation
language Geez
lexeme 1 ʔaʕrafa
lexeme 2 məʕrāf
meaning 1 to rest, find rest, come to rest, be at ease, find relief kama yāʕrəfu ʔəm-́ṣāmāhomu (Apoc. 14:13)

So that they have rest from their toil.

meaning 2 a measure of length wamaṭana wəʔətu ḳ̣əṣr 4wa5 məʕrāf 

And the size of this wall is 45 məʕrāf.

reference CDG: 69 LLA: 970
comment The first meaning of məʕrāf is 'resting place, quite place' (ibid.).